Originally posted on 02/26/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Sledge187 View Post
If so I got some news about them. My boy was in the front row of one of their concerts when he noticed the lead singer spitting on the people in the front row. He thought that was weird but the music was awesome so he didn't mind it much. Then all of a sudden two security guards grab his arms from each side and the spot lite of the concert shines on my boy. I guess you guys know what happens next. He starts getting a "golden shower" by one of the members of the Slip Knot entourage. He tried to move but the guards held him down good. Said he also noticed the entourage member had a very distinct banana shape penis. He was pissed (no pun intended) but stayed for the rest of the show.
You're a fukkin liar. They haven't even played a show in 2013.