1. #1
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    Checked ESPN for 1st time in awhile....

    Just to find the golf scores

    Top 5 featured stories:

    MJ: Last Dance -still pumping that
    Bring back the Cleveland Spiders
    Thin Carmelo Anthony
    Washington/ Dan Snyder
    Soccer delayed


  2. #2
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    I’m watching a clean sport right now IndyCar

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    Go to it, it's a joke

  5. #5
    shadymcgrady's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Fatty I'll check ESPN later this yr when the Vikings blow the division and Kirk melts like plastic again

  6. #6
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    The ghetto network lol

    Bad ratings when you associate with ghetto

  7. #7
    Otters27's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Remember when MTV played videos

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadymcgrady View Post
    Fatty I'll check ESPN later this yr when the Vikings blow the division and Kirk melts like plastic again
    Vikes 10-6 probably division champs

    Will be in NFC championship game


  9. #9
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    Golf network for The Memorial is all you need
    Fats you are better than this

  10. #10
    johnnyvegas13's Avatar SBR PRO
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    So ur mad they didn’t have golf scores

  11. #11
    carolinakid's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    espn now is so far left, unless you are watching a live sporting event, it like watching the LIEING cnn.........

  12. #12
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    seem to me espn went down hill and went so far left about the time obama got into office....

  13. #13
    Big Dikk Energy
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolinakid View Post
    seem to me espn went down hill and went so far left about the time obama got into office....
    One name ruined it....Jemele Hill

  14. #14
    carolinakid's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    i very seldom even go on any of the espn channels today and i would never go to listen to their stupid talking heads, what garbage they have on today imo.

  15. #15
    johnnyvegas13's Avatar SBR PRO
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    They talk all day about nothing

    u won’t learn a thing ...

  16. #16
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    It’s a ghetto network

  17. #17
    Brock Landers
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  19. #19
    It's not what they bring...
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    When sports are rolling, the Big Ten Network is one of the best on television.

    Real talk.

  20. #20
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    Like I said 25x successful people do not have the time to watch much tv

    If you are watching a lot of these shows your not successful

  21. #21
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Like I said 25x successful people do not have the time to watch much tv

    If you are watching a lot of these shows your not successful
    I wouldn't go that far to say some aren't successful but it's certainly true that you don't need any of this shit to be successful.

    Often it hurts instead of helps.

    It is a vehicle to exploit the things I talked about in the intuition thread.

  22. #22
    [Too Long]
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    Whole network has turned to dog shit... barely even watch TV.. usually just turn it on the drone out the sound when I’m having sex

  23. #23
    Art Vandelay
    Corona on St. Pats... WTF!
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolinakid View Post
    i very seldom even go on any of the espn channels today and i would never go to listen to their stupid talking heads, what garbage they have on today imo.
    Yea, the talking head shows are actually painful to watch, and so damn many of them! Only thing I currently watch is UFC.

  24. #24
    Act as if
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    Last Monday night ESPN was showing a 3 hour Eagles concert from 2018..
    Prime time 8-11..

  25. #25
    big joe 1212
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    They even took the UFC main card off ESPN and it’s on ESPN + now

    They are trying to grind $5 more out of fight fans

    Fuk them koksukkers

  26. #26
    Emily_Haines's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    ESPN and sports radio is a disgrace

    If anything should have been shutdown its this
