1. #36
    pimike's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by firedawg View Post
    Go cry to the mods you fukkin bitch

    You are a begging bitch

    I could give a fukk about your kid

    I'm fake??? Philly got my info

    I'd gladly teach you some manners

    Till you grow some balls stay out of my lane
    Here we go again.

    Your lane?

    You continue to invade my lane .

    Thread shows you jumping in not me.

    I’ll always defend my family.

  2. #37
    firedawg's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by USCPHILLYGUY View Post
    I’m a fake Golf Assistant GM

    Who gives a fuk
    I've never done shit to mike
    I do now because he trolled me for years about being a tout and lying his ass off about my job

    If he can't take return heat he shouldn't fuckin lie about people

    Sorry about your thread Big O

    I mean that


  3. #38
    BigOrange's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by firedawg View Post
    I've never done shit to mike
    I do now because he trolled me for years about being a tout and lying his ass off about my job

    If he can't take return heat he shouldn't fuckin lie about people

    Sorry about your thread Big O

    I mean that

    I am about to start 0-3 so it was already a disaster anyway!

  4. #39
    It's not what they bring...
    KVB's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Good Luck Big O!!!!

    Sorry to see the 7th grade playground spilled over into here. Nonsense spam attacking before the 10th post.

    On ND and Texas in hoops. Sitting on a lot on Saints futures from when they got screwed last year, it's so much I think I'll just watch today and possible even hedge with a little Minny to win tomorrow.

    Happy New Year Big O!!!

    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: BigOrange

  5. #40
    Ph q all
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    No dog in this fight but it's clear that wannabe fireman is a punk

  6. #41
    BigOrange's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigOrange View Post

    Texans -2.5..............Winner

    Pitt -6.5...............Loser
    TN +1................Loser
    Mem -7...................Loser
    Winthrop -2.5.................Winner
    ETSU +2...................Loser
    Aub -1...................Winner
    Gonz -20.5
    Started 0-3 and now 3-4 on the day. Need the Zags to juice out for the day.

  7. #42
    pimike's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Let’s cash late hoops!!

  8. #43
    pilebuck13's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Guys I’m actually a pretend piledriver I’m actually a custodian.... Jesus you guys are crazy

  9. #44
    BigOrange's Avatar SBR PRO
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    3-5 On the day

    Tomorrow could be a big day. Got Saints ML to close out 2 BIG parlays and I took Minn +8 for a hedge and middle opportunity.

  10. #45
    pimike's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigOrange View Post
    3-5 On the day

    Tomorrow could be a big day. Got Saints ML to close out 2 BIG parlays and I took Minn +8 for a hedge and middle opportunity.
    Good hedge. Middle would had been great!


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