1. #36
    5918mike's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Themoneyshot, like the others say, you need to read up. The best illustration I like is flipping the food triangle, watch the documentary 'The magic pill' for starters.

  2. #37
    boscokid's Avatar SBR PRO
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    If you are gonna do low carb you gotta throw everything in your kitchen out. If you open the fridge you better only see eggs, meat, cheese and vegetables.

    Learn to snack on nuts,cheese and pork rinds.

    Walking and lifting weights are essential

    Zero alchohol when you are trying to get to ketosis. Zero means zero. After you get there a couple glasses of wine here and there wont matter but say goodbye to beer forever.

  3. #38
    5918mike's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    You'll be surprised at how many carbs and sugar is in so much food when you start paying attention.

  4. #39
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Meh on keto.

    I went from 185 to 160 this year. No keto and no extra exercise. Sure, I'm eating less of the bread, pasta, rice, etc, but not entirely cut out.

    Steel cut oatmeal for breakfast most of the time, sometimes eggs and whole wheat muffin.
    Salad with chicken breast and avocado with homemade vinaigrette for lunch
    Usually a meat (lean chicken, salmon, steak sometimes) and veggie for dinner
    snack on apple, carrots/hummus, strawberries, some dark chocolate
    And wine usually with dinner
    Target about 1800/calories a day. No starving and not hungry.

    Gotta do something you can sustain. Are you really going to sustain this absolute no carbs thing forever? Most people won't. Not necessary.

  5. #40
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    Meh on keto.

    I went from 185 to 160 this year. No keto and no extra exercise. Sure, I'm eating less of the bread, pasta, rice, etc, but not entirely cut out.

    Steel cut oatmeal for breakfast most of the time, sometimes eggs and whole wheat muffin.
    Salad with chicken breast and avocado with homemade vinaigrette for lunch
    Usually a meat (lean chicken, salmon, steak sometimes) and veggie for dinner
    snack on apple, carrots/hummus, strawberries, some dark chocolate
    And wine usually with dinner
    Target about 1800/calories a day. No starving and not hungry.

    Gotta do something you can sustain. Are you really going to sustain this absolute no carbs thing forever? Most people won't. Not necessary.
    that is the main problem IMO, inability to stay on the diet.

    I too eat steel cut oatmeal about 350 days a year. A tiny bit of OJ mixed with water, a cup or two of coffee and usually one Italian biscotti. Sometimes I skip that part

    1800 calories a day is really good.

  6. #41
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by thechaoz View Post
    That's been completely destroyed by science years ago. The only thing to avoid is trans fats which are not naturally located in any animal fat naturally.
    you're correct, man-made fats will kill you early.

    believe it or not, Prevention magazine was warning about these dangerous fats decades ago. My family does our best to stay away from them. The government got involved but still allows a small amount and processors can call the food trans free.

  7. #42
    Frank Mills
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    There it is boys ! Grass-fed Ribeye ...pan fried w/onions from Earthfare. Olives, Green beans and mineral water.
    Coffee no sugar w/ heavy cream for dessert.

  8. #43
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Mills View Post
    There it is boys ! Grass-fed Ribeye ...pan fried w/onions from Earthfare. Olives, Green beans and mineral water.
    Coffee no sugar w/ heavy cream for dessert.

    actually, it looks really delicious, you keep up with a diet like that you will lose weight. try not to cheat for at least two weeks, and then reevaluate.

  9. #44
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
    that is the main problem IMO, inability to stay on the diet.

    I too eat steel cut oatmeal about 350 days a year. A tiny bit of OJ mixed with water, a cup or two of coffee and usually one Italian biscotti. Sometimes I skip that part

    1800 calories a day is really good.
    What kind? I use Bob's Red Mill "Quick Cooking" and then cook it for 30+ minutes. Make a huge batch and reheat leftovers for the week. Cinnamon, nutmeg, a little vanilla, skim milk and then add crushed almonds, raisins, chia seeds, a little butter, and a swirl of maple syrup. So good.

  10. #45
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Appreciate the posts fellas and comments.

    Again, IMO there's so many variables to what someone is trying to achieve while dieting. Typically, if someone goes on a diet... they are trying to lose weight and/or inches around the waist. I don't think you can achieve substantial results... especially after 30+ (age) eating fatty foods. I don't want to get into testosterone levels... etc... that's another variable to weight loss...

    You're going to have a day in which you keep craving these fatty foods... and it will increase your calorie intake that day... causing you to go overboard.... and a set back. Fatty foods makes the body irregular. I think it causes people to over eat periodically... and you don't want that on a diet.

    I make the weirdest food combinations ever.... people can search my other threads on here about weight loss. I'll mix tuna, oatmeal, radishes, green beans, 45g of a green apple... all together in a bowl. Sometimes when I have low calories for the day.... I'll add the whites from a hard boiled egg. Usually 3 eggs. I'll eat the same meal 4-5-6 times a day. When you're hungry... you eat. No need to starve yourself. Or look at the clock when you can eat again.

    I believe you can program your body from old/bad habits to better habits in about 72 hours or so. Sure you're going to be irritable... it's because your body is adjusting.... it will adjust... and you'll have a few headaches. But on the 4th day... you'll be good.

    But once you're at the weight you want... and are satisfied with.... sure you can adjust your diet... and eat fatty foods etc. And test out other things... but I don't know about you??? But I want to be ripped. I want the 6-8 pack abs... it's practically impossible to show your abs on a fatty diet... If Tim Tebow claims he's doing it... let me get some blood work done on him... I promise you his Testosterone level is probably off the charts. Wouldn't doubt he's injecting.... most celebrities are.

    Nice photo Frank Mills... looks good

  11. #46
    Frank Mills
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    Gonna watch more if it tonight via Netflix.

    [IMG] IB0iIiAdHx8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3 Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3 Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAGEAwgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAIEBQYBB//EAD8QAAIBAwMBBgUABwcCBwAAAAECAwAEEQUSITE GEyJBUWEUMnGBkRUjQlJyobEWMzQ1Q5LBJNEHRYK itOHw/8QAGgEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEBQIBBv/EAC4RAAICAQMCAwUJAAAAAAAAAAACAQMRBBIhEzE UQVEFIiMzUhUyYWJxgZGhsf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9VgtggztwcYzT5lxG2BnjpU nHNR72U21rNOsMkxjQsIohlnx5AetADs8GIEHNSA Kyeh9srG9it5FsNRgS5vRZxmaNQDId2ejHgFSDRR 25s3FiLXS9Tu5LwziOOCNCwEL7HLZYcZ5HtQGqxi uYzVTq3aGz0vWNH0u5Sbv9Vd0gZQCilQudxzkfMM YzVW/b/SE0HUNaMV38LY3nwcg2ruZ9wGRzjHOfXFAanbTGB 6CqPVu1thperR6dNBdSMREZp4kBjtxK22Pec58R9 AaFdds7G3jYx2d7cz/ABstkltCimSR41LORkgbQBnrQGg2V0Cqe/7T2VroNlrMUNzdwXzRLbxwIO8cyfLwxH9ahL240p rVLlY7oo1lcXhHdgFVhba6kZ+bP296A0uOaeg4qp k1y1jutGtzHMX1YMYDgYXbH3h3c+npnmrhaAcKdt ri08UAN18B+lQLO2gk0qCOdQ6BAcH6VafaoB0qHx qJJhE5yY93h+nrj2zVa+p2aGXyOlnBie0cNx2guB p1gvd6chGWQYD48h7Ve6Hplho1ssCyRqccsx61fL 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WcH90nkfiq/U0mXs1cQsuJrScknbnapB8X2OKu+zNp8JpiofWrK W1hn3b0Vt6FHBGQ6nqCPMVDTHGJPbpjM4PObe5s0 gjVr+5ZggBbvBycdelKtTL2K0uWV5DHgsxOAvTNK rPRYg6pOl+Q12L/DR/xV2lV0qE2HoKbL81KlQBoulFpUqAa1N86VKgIM/+Kj+9KP8AvH/ipUqAm/sio8fSuUqAMOldpUqAQ+WuR9TSpVzPc6XzJDf4cf SspqPn9RSpVnao1dD3kx3/AJvcfxV6T2W/yuH70qVNH82f0JNd8mCyvPlNUFz1P1rtKrtnYza+ 5Z2X+FH1o6fNSpVQTyLD95C0qVKtYpH/2Q==[/IMG]
    Quote Originally Posted by 5918mike View Post
    Themoneyshot, like the others say, you need to read up. The best illustration I like is flipping the food triangle, watch the documentary 'The magic pill' for starters.

  12. #47
    Frank Mills
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    It's available to watch via Netflix. Going to watch in a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5918mike View Post
    Themoneyshot, like the others say, you need to read up. The best illustration I like is flipping the food triangle, watch the documentary 'The magic pill' for starters.
    Last edited by Frank Mills; 12-16-18 at 10:14 PM.

  13. #48
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    There are many ways to skin a cat. Keto may be one of them, but I don't believe it's best long-term. A good balanced and portion-controlled mediterranean diet with real unprocessed foods is the best.

    whole grains (oats, whole wheat, quinoa, etc.)
    lean proteins (chicken breast, turkey, fish, lean beef, eggs, etc.)
    healthy fats (EVOO, nuts, seeds, avocado, etc.)
    a variety of fruits and lots of veggies
    red wine

    That's basically what I shoot for when I can. Fine to cheat here and then when socializing, etc. No need to be crazy about it. If it's pizza night, have some. Just don't make a typical habit.
    Last edited by d2bets; 12-16-18 at 10:26 PM.

  14. #49
    Frank Mills
    Frank Mills's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    d2bets - Take out the grains and most of the fruits and raise fats you have Keto All diets, these days seem to be variations of healthy diets.
    • 60-75% of calories from fat (or even more),
    • 15-30% of calories from protein, and.
    • 5-10% of calories from carbs.

    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    There are many ways to skin a cat. Keto may be one of them, but I don't believe it's best long-term. A good balanced and portion-controlled mediterranean diet with real unprocessed foods is the best.

    whole grains (oats, whole wheat, quinoa, etc.)
    lean proteins (chicken breast, turkey, fish, lean beef, eggs, etc.)
    healthy fats (EVOO, nuts, seeds, avocado, etc.)
    a variety of fruits and lots of veggies
    red wine

    That's basically what I shoot for when I can. Fine to cheat here and then when socializing, etc. No need to be crazy about it. If it's pizza night, have some. Just don't make a typical habit.

  15. #50
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Mills View Post
    d2bets - Take out the grains and most of the fruits and raise fats you have Keto All diets, these days seem to be variations of healthy diets.
    • 60-75% of calories from fat (or even more),
    • 15-30% of calories from protein, and.
    • 5-10% of calories from carbs.
    I don't want to cut out the whole grains and the fruits. Those are good. And I don't want to say no bread, pasta, rice, ever. A little here and there is fine.

    And 60-75% fat is way wrong. More like roughly equal portions of all 3 is good. And not all fats are equal. Animal fat is not ideal. Not saying you can't have it, but minimize it. Lean meats and fish are best. The fats should mostly be from those healthy fats.

    Salad with lots of veggies, chicken breast, avocado and EVOO vinaigrette is gold. Delicious too. I feel best when this is my lunch.

  16. #51
    Frank Mills
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    d2bets I think it is most important that you remember to state all that as your opinion.

    You got it big dog ?

  17. #52
    BigDofBA's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I used to be into bodybuilding in my college years so I've had experience with bulking, cutting, and dieting. The formula to get in shape isn't complicated but most people don't have the discipline to do it. There are three variables.

    Eat healthy + Workout on a regular basis + Get enough Sleep

    The problem is, most people want quick results so they try some fad diet that is hard to stick to. They might initially lose weight, but then the wheels fall off and they put it all back on and then they're back to the place where they started.

    I have tried the KETO diet and think it sucks. You will lose weight but it's not healthy and it's not sustainable. I've also been around people that are on it and I watch them eat butter, dressing, cheese, hot dogs, bacon, etc. All sorts of crap. I mean, you're not taking in any carbs but you're still eating crap.

    To me, the best diet is a balanced diet. To eat healthy you slowly ween yourself off of things and it's a gradual process.

    Week 1 - Eliminate fast food
    Week 2 - Eliminate Fried Food
    Week 3 - Eliminate Sweets

    Approaching it that way is much more sustainable and you won't crash, binge eat, and get fat again. Also, it's ok to have a cheat day once a week. Starting out, make your Cheat day every 4th day until you can make it a week. If you do this for several months, you won't want to eat junk again because when you do, it will taste like trash....except Pizza, pizza will always taste good.

    I used to eat the following every day when I was bodybuilding.

    3 eggs
    2 cups oatmeal
    8 oz Organge juice

    Mid Am

    Protein Shake


    Tuna Sandwhich/Chicken tacos/Fish whatever w/ flax seed oil/Carrots/Green Beans

    3 pm
    Protein Shake/Glutamine/Multivitaimin



    Chicken Breast/Tilapia/Sweet Potatoes/Green Beans/Asparagus

    Right Before Bed
    Casein Protein Shake - It's slower digesting so your metabolism keeps going while your sleeping

    Greek Yogurt


    Then on Sundays when I had my cheat day I would eat 5 Roast Beef Sandwhiches for lunch or eat an entire pepperoni pizza.

    That sounds like a lot of food but I had a sick pack and my body fat % was around 8-9%. Now days with a career and responsibilities I don't have time to prepare my food or goto the gym as much so I do what most normal people do and eat three times a day supplementing it with whatever nutrients I can. Eating three times a day sucks. You eat too much in one setting and you're metabolism bogs down.

    It's best to eat small portions like every 2.5 hours. Think of it like putting a log on a fire to keep it going. When you eat these large lunches and Dinners, you're body can't process it, it turns to fat, you shit it out, and you feel bloated.

    You really don't have to eliminate carbs. Just be smart about what you eat. If you really enjoy hamburgers and eat that like twice a week but stick to a diet similar to what I outlined above, you'll still be in good shape.

    As for a workout routine, if you follow the stuff in magazines or use the bro science on the web, you probably won't have great results. If you're juicing, you can Work out chest once a week on Mondays and make gains. If you're a normal joe, it's best to not devote an entire day to chest or arms. Whatever you do, stick with it. It's not a quick process.
    Last edited by BigDofBA; 12-17-18 at 12:11 AM.

  18. #53
    Frank Mills
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    Thanks Big !!

  19. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
    you're correct, man-made fats will kill you early.

    believe it or not, Prevention magazine was warning about these dangerous fats decades ago. My family does our best to stay away from them. The government got involved but still allows a small amount and processors can call the food trans free.
    Grizzle on my Ribeye is not man made.

    I guarantee I'm in better shape than anyone in this thread at 39...

    BP, Cholesterol, HR, BMI, anything

  20. #55
    2019 SBRs Toughest Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDofBA View Post
    I used to be into bodybuilding in my college years so I've had experience with bulking, cutting, and dieting. The formula to get in shape isn't complicated but most people don't have the discipline to do it. There are three variables.

    Eat healthy + Workout on a regular basis + Get enough Sleep

    The problem is, most people want quick results so they try some fad diet that is hard to stick to. They might initially lose weight, but then the wheels fall off and they put it all back on and then they're back to the place where they started.

    I have tried the KETO diet and think it sucks. You will lose weight but it's not healthy and it's not sustainable. I've also been around people that are on it and I watch them eat butter, dressing, cheese, hot dogs, bacon, etc. All sorts of crap. I mean, you're not taking in any carbs but you're still eating crap.

    To me, the best diet is a balanced diet. To eat healthy you slowly ween yourself off of things and it's a gradual process.

    Week 1 - Eliminate fast food
    Week 2 - Eliminate Fried Food
    Week 3 - Eliminate Sweets

    Approaching it that way is much more sustainable and you won't crash, binge eat, and get fat again. Also, it's ok to have a cheat day once a week. Starting out, make your Cheat day every 4th day until you can make it a week. If you do this for several months, you won't want to eat junk again because when you do, it will taste like trash....except Pizza, pizza will always taste good.

    I used to eat the following every day when I was bodybuilding.

    3 eggs
    2 cups oatmeal
    8 oz Organge juice

    Mid Am

    Protein Shake


    Tuna Sandwhich/Chicken tacos/Fish whatever w/ flax seed oil/Carrots/Green Beans

    3 pm
    Protein Shake/Glutamine/Multivitaimin



    Chicken Breast/Tilapia/Sweet Potatoes/Green Beans/Asparagus

    Right Before Bed
    Casein Protein Shake - It's slower digesting so your metabolism keeps going while your sleeping

    Greek Yogurt


    Then on Sundays when I had my cheat day I would eat 5 Roast Beef Sandwhiches for lunch or eat an entire pepperoni pizza.

    That sounds like a lot of food but I had a sick pack and my body fat % was around 8-9%. Now days with a career and responsibilities I don't have time to prepare my food or goto the gym as much so I do what most normal people do and eat three times a day supplementing it with whatever nutrients I can. Eating three times a day sucks. You eat too much in one setting and you're metabolism bogs down.

    It's best to eat small portions like every 2.5 hours. Think of it like putting a log on a fire to keep it going. When you eat these large lunches and Dinners, you're body can't process it, it turns to fat, you shit it out, and you feel bloated.

    You really don't have to eliminate carbs. Just be smart about what you eat. If you really enjoy hamburgers and eat that like twice a week but stick to a diet similar to what I outlined above, you'll still be in good shape.

    As for a workout routine, if you follow the stuff in magazines or use the bro science on the web, you probably won't have great results. If you're juicing, you can Work out chest once a week on Mondays and make gains. If you're a normal joe, it's best to not devote an entire day to chest or arms. Whatever you do, stick with it. It's not a quick process.
    It's not for everyone but I've been doing it for 8 years and another 2 years during the Atkins years.

    Checkout lean gains and keto gains on Reddit. It's very sustainable

    Almost Everything you listed as crap is natural and from the earth.

    Crap is processed high glycemic carbs.

    The body needs protein and fats. It doesn't need carbs but obviously can have them.

    All your need is protein for muscle maintenance and growth , and fats for various joint functions but mostly. Energy.

    Carbs are a luxury, but not necessary
    Last edited by thechaoz; 12-17-18 at 12:47 AM.

  21. #56
    Frank Mills
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    Nice !

  22. #57
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Mills View Post
    d2bets I think it is most important that you remember to state all that as your opinion.

    You got it big dog ?
    Obviously. We're all stating opinions.

    Also, there is more than one way to skin a cat and what's right for one person may not be for another.

  23. #58
    Chi_archie's Avatar SBR PRO
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    most important ingredient in people seeking different goals in body composition, fitness, longevity ect

    is by and far: Consistency

    if someone has good will power they can make just about any workout (short of severe over training) get good results

    same goes for Nutritional input plans for the most part.

    I will say for me, the great things about being in the biological state of Ketosis was

    1) no hunger. My hunger would be blunted to the point I had to force myself to go eat some chicken breast with italian dressing. no cravings

    2) increased energy, focus, and less need for sleep. I'd lay in bed looking at clock wondering if it was too early to get up and go workout

    3) the body protects muscle in the state of ketosis and will only utilize fat stores for energy in a calorie deficit. So you didn't have to worry about losing any long worked for muscles gains.

  24. #59
    JAKEPEAVY21's Avatar SBR PRO
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    some solid info in here

    the key is to make a sustainable lifestyle change and not some fad diet

    headed to exercise here in a bit and ordered 10 prepared meals for the week that were delivered last night
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  25. #60
    homie1975's Avatar SBR PRO
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    i work with a marine who is very disciplined, he is in his 40's. he went on keto, went from about 250 lbs down to 200. that was in about 5 or 6 mos i think. now all of a sudden with the holidays approaching he is off the diet and is eating whatever the hell he wants and i can see about 20 lbs have come back on.

    this is the biggest problem - these type of extreme diets seem unsustainable for the average person. are you average? well, you don't like to think so but you probably are............

  26. #61
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by homie1975 View Post
    i work with a marine who is very disciplined, he is in his 40's. he went on keto, went from about 250 lbs down to 200. that was in about 5 or 6 mos i think. now all of a sudden with the holidays approaching he is off the diet and is eating whatever the hell he wants and i can see about 20 lbs have come back on.

    this is the biggest problem - these type of extreme diets seem unsustainable for the average person. are you average? well, you don't like to think so but you probably are............
    Absolutely. You have to be brutally honest with yourself before you do a super-strict diet like keto. Going on and off diets is bad. Pick something that works and is sustainable. For most people, that means you build in some buffer of being able to have a pizza with friends or enjoy a little at the holidays.

  27. #62
    Frank Mills
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    Day 3 Keto: Having coffee w/ Heavy Whipping cream. Feel absolutely no different but last night after eating the large grass fed ribeye steak my blood pressure felt sky high and was had migraine but it went away and may have been eye strain computer headaches, etc.

    Just checking in. Will do an avocado or 2 later and maybe macadamia nuts. Tonight Salmon and green beans again prob. Will prob off to

    store and get more stuff tonight. Thinking about doing Sashimi ( Sushi no rice ) later in the week.

  28. #63
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    What kind? I use Bob's Red Mill "Quick Cooking" and then cook it for 30+ minutes. Make a huge batch and reheat leftovers for the week. Cinnamon, nutmeg, a little vanilla, skim milk and then add crushed almonds, raisins, chia seeds, a little butter, and a swirl of maple syrup. So good.
    I did something similar with another brand but it became too much of a chore, in other words, I became lazy. I now purchase a brand called
    Better Oats Steel Oatmeal Maple and Brown Sugar. Your idea is much better, you decide what ingredients to use. However, this brand has almost no crap in it and I am getting lazy.

    Bob's Mill is a good brand I just purchased their whole grain corn-flower.

  29. #64
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Mills View Post
    Day 3 Keto: Having coffee w/ Heavy Whipping cream. Feel absolutely no different but last night after eating the large grass fed ribeye steak my blood pressure felt sky high and was had migraine but it went away and may have been eye strain computer headaches, etc.

    Just checking in. Will do an avocado or 2 later and maybe macadamia nuts. Tonight Salmon and green beans again prob. Will prob off to

    store and get more stuff tonight. Thinking about doing Sashimi ( Sushi no rice ) later in the week.
    you should purchase a home BP machine, also my eyes often hurt from computer, TV and reading. I found out that purchasing a blue blocker pair of eyeglasses will relieve my eye strain in minutes. they are pretty cheap, but get the better pair for around $25 or $30. Eye strain is a pain in the balls but it might be decreased with blue blocker glasses, Amazon.

  30. #65
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Mills View Post
    Day 3 Keto: Having coffee w/ Heavy Whipping cream. Feel absolutely no different but last night after eating the large grass fed ribeye steak my blood pressure felt sky high and was had migraine but it went away and may have been eye strain computer headaches, etc.

    Just checking in. Will do an avocado or 2 later and maybe macadamia nuts. Tonight Salmon and green beans again prob. Will prob off to

    store and get more stuff tonight. Thinking about doing Sashimi ( Sushi no rice ) later in the week.
    2 avocados? Avocados are great, but can't see needing that much at once. Large avocado has like 300 calories or so. I usually have 1/4 at a time and it's plenty. Rather have 1/4 everyday than 2 avocados once a week.

  31. #66
    Frank Mills
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    Yea u r right. I have not eaten today. Woke late and had coffee but Keto says to curb your hunger a lot which maybe is happening. Also, in earlier post said I felt no different. Am starting to feel kind of different. Not tired but slow and I think it is more mental . Also, Keto advocates fasting a bit or intermittent fasting. Makes sense like the Warrior diet or even Paleo how hunter gatherers would hunt fo 3 days then get back to camp and have the feast. Also, hard cheese and very high fat dairy is ok but not the low fat i.e., 2% milk's etc. low fast cheese ( obv because of the higher carb content ) Instead of taking notes , I minus well just take them in here so othes can view too if ever want to
    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    2 avocados? Avocados are great, but can't see needing that much at once. Large avocado has like 300 calories or so. I usually have 1/4 at a time and it's plenty. Rather have 1/4 everyday than 2 avocados once a week.

  32. #67
    Frank Mills
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    You sound like my dad with the BP machine lol. I should get another one I had one recently but took back to Wal Mart. The blue blocker eyeglasses I may order on Ebay or check out ty
    Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
    you should purchase a home BP machine, also my eyes often hurt from computer, TV and reading. I found out that purchasing a blue blocker pair of eyeglasses will relieve my eye strain in minutes. they are pretty cheap, but get the better pair for around $25 or $30. Eye strain is a pain in the balls but it might be decreased with blue blocker glasses, Amazon.

  33. #68
    BigDofBA's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by thechaoz View Post
    It's not for everyone but I've been doing it for 8 years and another 2 years during the Atkins years.

    Checkout lean gains and keto gains on Reddit. It's very sustainable

    Almost Everything you listed as crap is natural and from the earth.

    Crap is processed high glycemic carbs.

    The body needs protein and fats. It doesn't need carbs but obviously can have them.

    All your need is protein for muscle maintenance and growth , and fats for various joint functions but mostly. Energy.

    Carbs are a luxury, but not necessary
    If you can’t stick to it, you will lose weight. I never denied that.

    My thing was being able to sustain it. The diet plan I laid out was something I could sustain. Keto was not.

    The main thing is consistency as others have stated. That means not eating that cupcake at work. That means taking your ass to the gym when your tired. You have to have disclipine. It has to be a lifestyle.

  34. #69
    Chi_archie's Avatar SBR PRO
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    people are built different

    some need a lifestyle day in and day out and tiny incremental changes over a looooong time

    others are 2.2 steps forward 2 steps back type of people

    some people thrive on big changes, and need a jump start radical change to pique their interest.

    the right way for you is not the right for most others

    and that's ok

  35. #70
    Frank Mills
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    Ate the NY Strip, a Can of sardines( for the O 3's ),
    an Avocado , Green Olives, more green beans
    and a mineral water. Now, having after dinner coffee ( heavy cream no sugar )

    Earlier today I felt as one should prob feel had they
    not had any sugar in 3 days. Weird and a bit slow.

    ... Nighttime here now and feeling less weird
    and perhaps energy trying to creep back in me.
    Also, noticed after a big meal like that,
    still not super full like you would be had I had a
    baked potato and cola, etc. As crazy as it may sound
    or look on paper, I think this high fat, moderate protein,
    super low carb diet is very clean ! very clean !!!
    Hard to see that from outside in but it must be how
    the metabolism is going to flip or something. I feel good
    Last edited by Frank Mills; 12-17-18 at 08:38 PM.

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