1. #1
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    Geobet.com very slow pay *1420 euro*

    I saw that after the posts on forum they respond quickly and get paid.
    I have a problem - they do not pay me to May 16 - today 1420 euro. They approved my documents. Few days ago, was given a bonus of 50 euros for the delay, but I think they have problems with payments. I ask for help from SBR in the matter.
    My name account on geobet.com : RabotaemE

  2. #2
    PokerSean's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    I had this happen last week. Waited five days and then it came through to Moneybookers. What did you try to withdraw it to? Your CC? Apparently they went through some big software update a couple weeks ago. Atleast they email you though and give you updates, unlike those @&%#$'s at Will Hill. I think you'll be fine. I'd worry if they ignored you all together but it doesn't sound like that's the case?

  3. #3
    GEObet Sports
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    Dear RabotaemE:

    We apologize for the time it's taking to resolve your issue, but I promise that it will be resolved correctly soon. We're working with our Development Team to get it sorted. I assure you that you’ll receive your funds and I hope to have a resolution for you within the next few days.

    Thanks for your patience.

  4. #4
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    I have some bad news. I'm still waiting for money from them. It's been 2 weeks. Do not advise anyone to play on this site. I think they are scammers and want to steal the players money, as did a similar site TAIN provider - "mooregames.com".

  5. #5
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    Please say , who received money from them for the last 2 weeks?
    They promised to pay me this week. Today is the last banking day :/

  6. #6
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    I ordered the payment from geobet.com of May 16 and still have not got the money from them. Every day they promise to pay very soon. But they do not pay. I think they (gr88,geobet and bulldog777) are crooks and will soon make cheating players

  7. #7
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    SBR i need big HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

    OlympianGroup ( Geobet.com / gr88.com / bulldog777.com ) - rogues and thieves! They steal money players!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3 weeks ago I ordered payment, and every day they promised to complete it.

    Every day, they lied and a few days ago, completely shut down the sport.

    They are after 2 weeks of waiting, gave me a bonus of 50 euros for the delay. I made two pre-live bets on the exact outcome of the match and both guessed. 2-0 for the Swiss championship and 1-1 to Italy Serie B.

    Yesterday they sent me three letters from different addresses (gr88, geobet, bulldog777) with the same letter in which he said that my account is frozen because of some limits. I do not know what they were saying. This is just nonsense.

    Hello Ilya,

    We apologize for the delay. As we have informed you earlier, we have experienced an issue processing your withdrawal, however, this issue should be fixed this week. I have sent a reminder to our payment department to try and speed things up for you. Please rest assured that your money will soon reach your Skrill account.


    Hi Ilya,

    We apologize for the inconvenience. Our withdrawals are approved manually which means it takes longer to process. Your withdrawal will be processed as soon as possible.

    If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


    GEObet Support Team

    Hi Ilya,

    Thank you for contacting us. We would like to inform you that your pending withdrawal has been sent for processing and it will soon be completed. We appreciate your patience regarding this matter.

    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



    Dear Ilya,

    I am writing to advise you that your accounts are being closed for fraudulent activity in the sportsbook.

    There are numerous examples of betting limits being circumvented.

    Our site Terms & Conditions are clear on activity of this nature:

    Using unfair advantage or influence including the exploitation of a fault or loophole or error in our software . . . We will take all reasonable steps to prevent such activities; detect them and the relevant players; and deal with them appropriately. We will not be liable for any loss or damage which you or any other player may incur as a result of collusive, fraudulent or otherwise illegal activity or cheating and any action that we take in respect of the same will be at our sole discretion.

    Your deposits will be returned to you.



    Now I'm sure they will do the same as similar TAIN provider site Mooregames.com. I think they will shut down the site in the coming days and will disappear with our money!!! If you have the money on these sites - write a complaint to SBR.
    Last edited by RabotaemE; 06-08-13 at 12:57 PM.

  8. #8
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    SBR do you have news for me?
    SBR users, Someone else hurt by them?

  9. #9
    SBR Forum
    SBR Forum's Avatar Administrator
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    Quote Originally Posted by RabotaemE View Post
    SBR do you have news for me?
    SBR users, Someone else hurt by them?
    The sportsbook was closed "temporarily" for what is alleged to be security reasons and apparently users aren't being paid until it is reopened. SBR has covered this in two articles already. If they don't reopen it soon, they'll probably be blacklisted for failing to pay users.

  10. #10
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR Forum View Post
    The sportsbook was closed "temporarily" for what is alleged to be security reasons and apparently users aren't being paid until it is reopened. SBR has covered this in two articles already. If they don't reopen it soon, they'll probably be blacklisted for failing to pay users.
    I read today Russian forum and people say : "They have started to pay small amounts (3 figures) some users".
    I want to file a collective complaint to the licensing authority. They want to fool a lot of players.

  11. #11
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    anyone has news?

  12. #12
    jimbo747's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    Been waiting a month or so for a 4 figure sum. Just constant excuses from these, and then they returned my balance to sportsbook at weekend, meaning I had to make another request (and no doubt wait another month for excuses). They keep promising to prioritise my withdrawal but I reckon they're paying out smaller sums and anyone with several Łk are left out to hang.

    TAIN or olympian don't give a shit, have sent 3 or 4 emails, and not one response.

    Please blacklist these, D+ is far too high a rating.

  13. #13
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    They talk about the advantage of the player and the error site. I asked several times to indicate these errors, but they do not say anything.
    Sent only a letter: "Using unfair advantage or influence, including the exploitation of a fault, loophole or error in our software."
    No explanation. They can be used with any players.
    I think now they will steal money in this way for many players.
    I want to get their site blacklisted.

  14. #14
    roanildinho's Avatar SBR MVP
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    why not play at better sites? like betfair.

  15. #15
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    SBR support, please help make a collective complaint against these fraudsters. I read on the forum that they cheated a lot of players. We look forward to your support and help in the fight against these thieves.

  16. #16
    SBR Forum
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    A manager has come forward agreeing to look at individual cases.

    Anyone who hasn't already file a complaint if you still need assistance.

  17. #17
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    I send 2 complains but not have response.
    Give me any update plz.
    They are silent for my questions.

  18. #18
    roanildinho's Avatar SBR MVP
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    What a mickey mouse book

  19. #19
    jimbo747's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    Looks like they're pulled the sites. Thank fook* I got my cash out of here. * Love the way the swear word filter changes f u c k to 'penetrate' on an adult aimed forum.

  20. #20
    RabotaemE's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    I have some news. They lie in each letter.
    First they talked about some benefit and did not give an explanation what kind of advantage. Now they tell me that it is forbidden to take the bonus and play on three sites at once. They also said one month ago that returned the deposit. I did not get from them a single penny so far. SBR will you do with them anything? This is the real thieves and crooks. I want to see them in the black list.
