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    Sunday, March 13, 2016

    Merkel Drubbed At The Ballot Box As Surging Nationalists Declare: ‘People Voted AGAINST Her Migrant Policy’

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party suffered a major setback in key state polls Sunday over her liberal refugee policy, while the right-wing populist AfD recorded a surge as it scooped up support from angry voters. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) lost in two of three states in regional elections, and scored a historic low in its stronghold Baden-Wuerttemberg where it came in second place after the Greens, according to projections based on early results published by public broadcasters ARD and ZDF.
    The populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), which had sparked outrage by suggesting police may have to shoot at migrants to stop them entering the country, recorded double-digit support in the first elections they have stood for in all three regions.
    The elections are the biggest since Germany registered a record influx of refugees, and are largely regarded as a referendum on Merkel’s decision to open the country’s doors to people fleeing war.
    Bild daily called Sunday’s polls “a day of horror for Chancellor Merkel” as the stunning popularity of the upstart AfD was a clear punishment for her policy.
    “The people who voted for us voted against this refugee policy,” said AfD deputy chairman Alexander Gauland.
    “We have a very clear position on the refugee issue: we do not want to take in any refugees,” he declared.
    AfD is projected to garner close to one in every four votes in the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt — making it the second biggest political force there after the CDU.
    In Baden-Wuerttemberg, the populists are credited with almost 15 percent, displacing Merkel’s CDU’s junior coalition partner Social Democratic Party (SPD) as the third biggest party.
    In the southwestern region of Rhineland-Palatinate, AfD also came in third, although the SPD and the CDU had substantial leads.
    She reiterated her point on Thursday, insisting that imposing a limit on refugee numbers was merely a “short-term pseudo-solution”, and that the only measure that would sustainably bring numbers down was a “concerted European approach”.
    As dissent has grown over her stance, AfD has capitalised on the darkening mood.
    Founded in 2013 as an anti-euro party, AfD has since morphed into an anti-migrant outfit.


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    brain dead muslim creatures in Swedish school


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    [IMG]https://*********************************/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1934481_808946569239382_6474726371025239 792_n.jpg?oh=9d4aff0dd32436cdffb31a82431 c92c8&oe=574D3DCA[/IMG]

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    sudanese muslim monkeys go ape in Melbourne last night


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    This stupid greek libtard learns hard way

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    Tuesday, March 15, 2016

    Libyan migrant, 16, 'forced young Austrian woman into a basement and tried to rape her'

    A 16-year-old refugee is accused of luring a young Austrian woman into a house, forcing her into a basement and attempting to rape her. The Libyan teenager is being held by police after the 18-year-old woman was rescued from a cellar in Vienna. A second, older woman, 20, managed to tear herself away from her attacker on Saturday and alerted police. The migrant, who is registered as living in an asylum centre in the capital, allegedly met the two friends on the subway between Spittelau and Praterstern at 4am on Saturday. He is said to have convinced them to join him for a drink at a bar, but instead took them to a house and tried to pull them downstairs into the basement. He allegedly grabbed both women by their arms, according to a police report, but the younger of the friends escaped. She frantically called police to report that her friend was being held against her will at a property close to Prater amusement park, home to the iconic Vienna Ferris Wheel. The 18-year-old said she was forced to the floor and the Libyan teenager allegedly attempted to rape her. 'She was dragged down to the basement where he tried to rape her, but she fought vehemently and managed to fend him off until the officers showed up,' police spokesman Roman Hahslinger told MailOnline. He said the assailant is a Libyan teenager who lived in a migrant centre in Vienna, while he awaited a decision on his asylum application. He was charged with attempted rape and appeared before a judge on Saturday. Police said he denied all charges. The woman's shocked friend escaped the assault with just bruises.

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    Tuesday, March 15, 2016

    Woman extremely disfigured in Germany by jealous Muslim migrant husband (WARNING: Graphic Images)

    A Muslim migrant couple relocated to Hamburg, Germany, where they began the long journey to integration. Homa, 48, began to dress differently and started to lose weight. Unfortunately, her husband, Mohamad, became jealous and decided to ensure no one could ever desire her.As reported by*Die Weltand translated by*WND, Homa was taking a shower one day when her husband asked her to "have a look" at what he held.

    When she pulled back the curtain, he splashed her with boiling oil. Her face melted immediately and her right hand, which she raised in defense, was permanently fused shut.

    She was burned across 44 percent of her body simply because Mohamad felt threatened by the changes she exhibited.

    During his case before the Hamburg District Court on Monday, Mohamad admitted he attacked Homa "to make her unattractive to other men. It was about the core of our marriage."

    He then explained his actions were to prove his strength to his wife: "I suspected that she wanted another man. Suddenly, she was wearing different clothes and losing weight. So, I wanted to make her unattractive for other men. I was afraid of the shame. I wanted to show her that I am not weak!"

    Much like the disgusting practice of female genital mutilation, the burning, known as an*honor attack, was conducted to keep Homa from bringing shame to Mohamad's family. Had she really been attempting to see another man, her disfigurement would have kept the affair from beginning or continuing.

    Despite the severe burns and permanent disfigurement, Mohamad told the court he had not thrown the oil in a murderous rage.

    "The attack on my wife - I'm sorry," he claimed. "I lose control of myself, but I did not want to kill her."

    Homa, who gave testimony from a separate room to stay clear from Mohamad, said her husband burned her then got dressed and left. Meanwhile, she waited in agony for nearly half an hour for paramedics to arrive.

    "I was afraid that my husband would have stabbed me with a knife," Homa confessed as she recalled what was going through her mind while waiting for an ambulance. Homa is finally free of her husband, but must live the rest of her days with a disfigured body and the horrific memory of the burning, all because she wanted to wear new clothes and lose weight.

    Meanwhile, Mohamad was found guilty and his sentencing has been scheduled for April 21.

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    Swedish polis: don't go out after sunset, or you'll be raped

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    Wednesday, March 16, 2016

    BACON BAN AT CARE HOME: Muslim staff REFUSED to serve patients bacon sandwiches

    MUSLIM staff at a care home refused to let patients eat bacon sandwiches for breakfast, a watchdog has found. They also refused to help their clients buy pork pies, the Care Quality Commission said following an inspection. Bradford Council was ordered to improve services at its Wagtail Close home for disabled people after inspectors said care workers restricted patients' right of choice and denied their personal dietary preferences.The ban on pork products - which also included ham and sausages - was reported to the inquiry team. The report said: "Staff were not providing support that was responsive to the person's preferences and were restricting the person's right to choice. "The person said they had raised their concern with senior staff members but nothing had been done about it." The home caters for people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities and brain injury. Inspectors also found training was outdated and that there was no system to overview accidents. A Bradford Council spokesman said: "There has recently been a change in the registered management arrangements at Wagtail."An improvement plan has been drawn up which will urgently address the issues raised by the recent CQC inspection. "All Wagtail Close care staff have been reminded that their own lifestyles and cultural preferences should never influence the person-centred support they provide to service users."

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    muslim migrants are schizophrenics

    “Refugees” 66x More Mentally Ill Than Native Germans

    The New Observer
    March 17, 2016

    Third World “refugees” flooding into Europe are sixty-six times more likely to suffer from psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia than Europeans, a new study has found.

    As these diseases are genetic, this means that the nonwhite invasion is literally importing hundreds of thousands of mentally ill people into Europe.


    The study, produced by Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet and Britain’s University College London and published in the*British Medical Journal*(BMJ), found that there was a “high psychosis risk” among the flood of nonwhite invaders currently entering Europe.

    The scientists used national register data to look at more than 1.3 million people in Sweden, and tracked diagnoses of non-affective psychotic disorders among the population.

    On a per capita basis, Sweden has granted more “refugee” applications than any other high-income country, the researchers said, and in 2011 refugees constituted 12 percent of the immigrant population.

    Those studied included people born to two Swedish-born parents, “refugees,” and “non-refugee” migrants from the four major nonwhite regions: the Middle East and north Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia, and also immigrants from Eastern Europe and Russia.

    Their results showed a total of 3,704 cases of psychotic disorders, with “refugees” who had been granted asylum some 66 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder than “non-refugee” migrants—in other words, the white immigrants from eastern Europe and Russia.

    “Refugees” were also up to 3.6 times more likely to suffer psychosis than the Swedish-born population.

    Another recent study has found that the risk*of schizophrenia is 35 times higher with just one faulty gene and is involved in a range of neurodevelopmental disorders.

    It is the first time changes to the DNA code of one gene have been so strongly linked to schizophrenia.

    The discovery, reported in the journal*Nature Neuroscience,suggests that schizophrenia shares common biological pathways with developmental disorders.

    According to the US Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) agency, symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders, movement disorders, and “negative cognitive symptoms.”

    These latter disorders include “poor executive functioning” (the ability to understand information and use it to make decisions); trouble focusing or paying attention; and problems with “working memory” (the ability to use information immediately after learning it).

    Poor cognition is related to worse employment and social outcomes, the NIMH added.

    The NIMH also confirmed that the causes of these diseases are genetic:

    Scientists have long known that schizophrenia sometimes runs in families. The illness occurs in less than 1 percent of the general population, but it occurs in 10 percent of people who have a first-degree relative with the disorder, such as a parent, brother, or sister.

    Different Brain Chemistry and Structure

    Scientists think that an imbalance in the complex, interrelated chemical reactions of the brain involving the neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate, and possibly others, plays a role in schizophrenia.

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    Germany: kurdish woman murdered for refusing to marry cousin

    Thursday, March 17, 2016

    ‘Westernised’ Migrant Girl Publicly Executed For Refusing To Marry Cousin


    by Liam Deacon*

    A second-generation Kurdish migrant living in Germany has been publicly executed after refusing to marry her cousin. The westernised young woman was the victim of a “treacherous tradition”, her father said. The girl’s cousin is currently*on the run, and police have obtained a warrant for his arrest.
    The 21-year-old was shot dead at a wedding in Hanover in Germany this week. Her father posted a shocking image (above) of her lying in a pool of blood surrounded by distraught guests on Facebook.
    Alongside the photo, he demanded justice for his daughter, and explained that family had fled Iraq when his daughter was just three.
    She had subsequently*grown up as an independent, westernised young woman with German citizenship, and studying property management at college in Hanover.
    “It is with the deepest sense of loss and pain that I announce the loss of my daughter. She died in a pool of her own blood, as a victim of a treacherous tradition,” he wrote
    So-called ‘honour killings’ are a familiar concept in the Muslim world,*and are perpetrated when a women is*accused of bringing perceived ‘shame’ on her family.
    The father added:*“This murderer would not accept that! They decided to take revenge, to continue the tradition. At 10am on 13 March, she was killed with 3 shots to the head by her own cousin”.
    He specified that his two brothers had tried to arrange the forced marriage with the young woman’s cousin, Sefin, 22, but she had refused.
    The father told of how he had left his daughter in the care the brothers when he went on a business trip to Iraq. When he was gone, however, one of the brothers had attempted to marry her to his son without her father’s permission.
    When he returned, he said: “She begged me to do something and so I cancelled the engagement”.
    German tabloid*Bild*reports*that local police have confirmed a young woman was shot dead earlier this week and said they are currently investigating the case as a*homicide.
    They have reportedly recovered the gun, which was used as a murder weapon, but the murder suspect is still on the run.

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    ISIS BEHEADING PLOT - Jihadis send LETTERS to EU civilians ordering them to convert or die.

    CRAZED Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis have sent letters to European civilians ordering them to convert to Islam within three days or face being DECAPITATED in their own homes.


    10:06, Fri, Dec 18, 2015*| UPDATED:*10:54, Fri, Dec 18, 2015

    ISIS has posted letters threatening to decapitate people in Sweden

    Bloodthirsty Daesh Islamists posted notes through the doors of dozens of random neighbours in several cities across Sweden, including the capital Stockholm, threatening to murder "non-believers" in a terrifying campaign of violence.

    Sweden is now on lockdown after the chilling letters pledged to behead innocent civilians and then "bomb your rotten corpses afterwards".

    Christians ordered to CONVERT OR DIE by ISIS jihadis as they...

    Suspected ISIS terrorist arrested after police storm asylum seeker...

    Intelligence officials confirmed they are investigating the horrifying threats - which were signed by "ISIS" - as a state of fear gripped the nation.*

    The notes, written in Swedish, order people to convert to Islam or pay a religious tax, known as the jizya, warning that the police "will not save you from being murdered".*


    The letter, posted on Facebook, features the flag of ISIS


    It warns Swedes they must convert to Islam or face being beheaded

    They state: "In the name of Allah, the merciful, full of grace. You who are not believers will be decapitated in three days in your own house. We will bomb your rotten corpses afterwards.*

    "You must choose between these three choices: 1. Convert to Islam. 2. Pay the jizya [religious tax] for protection. 3. Or else, you will be decapitated.*

    "The police will not prevent or save you from you being murdered. (Death comes to all of you)."*


    Swedish police search a refugee shelter for ISIS terrorists


    Mutar Muthanna Majid was held after police raided a refugee housing unit in Sweden

    You who are not believers will be decapitated in three days in your own house

    ISIS letter

    An image of the chilling message was posted on Facebook by one of the recipients. *

    Swedish police said they were posted through residents' doors in a number of cities including Ronneby, Sigtuna, Västerås and the capital Stockholm, earlier this week.*

    Local news outlets reported two Muslim asylum seekers of Iraqi origin - one in Ronneby and one in Vstroes - were amongst the recipients of the cruel letter.*

    Sigtuna police chief Emile Anderson said officers were unsure whether or not the threats contained in the messages were real, but said they were taking them seriously.*

    He added officials from the Swedish intelligence service Säpo are investigating the incident, according to RT Arabic.*

    Last edited by pronk; 03-18-16 at 10:02 PM.

  15. #715
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    Refugees Force Sweden To Cancel Event... The Reason Why Proves Donald Trump Is Right

    It seems that reality has gotten in the way of celebrating Earth hour.

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    "Trustworthy" muslim rats protected Paris terrorist in Brussels neighborhood

    Brussels: Moslems Protected Abdeslam – The Whole Neighborhood Knew He was There

    The New Observer
    March 20, 2016

    The nonwhite-colonized suburb of Molenbeek in Brussels actively protected fugitive terrorist Salah Abdeslam, and the “whole neighborhood knew where [he] stayed,” it has emerged.

    In addition, one of four other nonwhites arrested with Abdeslam was “fingerprinted” in Ulm, Germany, on October 3—an indication that he too may have been another of the fake refugees swamping Europe.

    It has also transpired that a fake Syrian passport and a fake Belgian identity document were seized in the lead-up to Abdeslam’s arrest.


    A report in the Belgian*De Morgennewspaper*revealed that the immigrant-terrorist had been sheltered in Brussels all the time, while terrorism “experts” thought he had fled Europe for Syria.

    In reality,*De Morgen*reveals, Abdeslam was “hiding in his own district in Brussels,” within “walking distance of his parents, surrounded by a very different type of network than anyone thought.”

    The report shows that “Europe’s most wanted terrorist” was living in a house just 1,000 feet away from his parents’ house, and right next to the shop which he used to run along with his brother.

    “Here in the district, everybody has always known that Salah was still here,” a woman told*De Morgen.*“And not only him, but Mohamed Abrini [the last of the Paris attack fugitives still on free foot] was in that house next to the pharmacy. They walked around openly,” she said.

    In addition, the two immigrant-fugitives even walked over to the local police station “just for fun,”the locals told*De Morgen*adding that it was clear that they had “a lot of support.”

    It turned out,*De Morgen*revealed, that Abdeslam had been fetched from Paris by two friends in Molenbeek after he had called them from the French capital, asking for help. They had driven to Paris and back to fetch the terrorist, and he had been living in the suburb ever since, while police searched high and low for him.

    Despite being fully aware of his whereabouts, the local nonwhite colonizers refused to turn him in. It was only by chance that police discovered his whereabouts after detecting phone calls and observing a suspiciously large pizza delivery,*De Morgen*said.

    Abdeslam had been sheltered by another nonwhite “immigrant” family, and they have all now been arrested, and provisionally identified as “Abid A,” “Sihane A,” and “Djemila A,” while the fourth arrestee is currently being named as “Amine Choukri.” The latter name is the one found on the fake Belgian identity card seized in the raid in the suburb of Forest earlier this week, and is likely not his real name.

    The fake Syrian passport found in that raid is in the name of “Monir Ahmed Alaaj,” and was obviously used at some stage by a “refugee” coming into Europe.

    De Morgen*also revealed—to no one’s surprise—that the apartment where the arrested “immigrants” were sheltering Abdeslam was “social housing”—in other words, they were being subsidized by the white Belgian taxpayers to live in the city.

    The level of support for Abdeslam in Molenbeek was also revealed by events immediately after his arrest.

    A BBC van was smashed up by nonwhite locals in Molenbeek when it arrived to report on Abdeslam’s arrest. This was one of several violent incidents during the day.

    According to*De Morgen*news of Abdeslam’s arrest spread like “wildfire through the streets,” and soon the area was “filled with young people who harassed the police and media.”

    Bottles and other missiles were hurled at the police by the Abdeslam-supporting crowd, and media vehicles were smashed up, with a*BBC*van bearing the brunt of the nonwhite violence.

    “It’s our neighborhood,” one of the young nonwhites shouted at theDe Morgen*journalist, who then wrote, “And it is right. It is their neighborhood.”

    These developments are possibly the best indicators yet that mass nonwhite immigration has not resulted in “integration, peace, and prosperity,” as the liberal left has always claimed, but rather has created an alien and hostile colonizing force, which is intent on wiping out Europe.

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    Here's a solution England: take more muslim rapefugees

    Sunday, March 20, 2016

    Special Forces And Police On Standby For Multiple Terror Attacks In London

    by Sarkis Zeronian*

    The Metropolitan Police*and special forces troops from the SAS regiment have been told to prepare their response for up to 10 simultaneous terror attacks on the streets of the British*capital. It is understood that the security services are concerned that Islamist terrorists returning from Syria with military training could attempt to execute*multiple attacks across London, similar to those seen in Paris in November 2015. In doing so, the attackers would force authorities to spread resources across the city.
    The*Sunday Times*reports*that army regiments from outside London are now*readying themselves to be deployed to assist*the SAS and Metropolitan Police in the event of a Paris-style multiple target attack.*A minister said that preparations are now in place for such an eventuality, explaining:
    “We used to plan for three simultaneous attacks but Paris has shown that you need to be ready for more than that. We are ready if someone tries with seven, eight, nine, ten.”
    In another part of the coordinated response, the National Crime Agency has been instructed*to prioritise a crackdown on illegal firearms to limit their availability for use in*a Paris-style terrorist attack by trained jihadists.
    It is also reported that the*army’s counter-terrorist bomb disposal unit is building a team, at Didcot barracks in Oxfordshire, tasked with combating*a chemical or biological ‘dirty bomb’. One recent SAS training exercise involved soldiers tackling improvised explosive devices containing such*weapons of mass destruction.
    Islamist extremists in*British prisons are also facing an increased security clampdown. This relates to*concerns that*terrorist prisoners plan to use smuggled mobile telephones to film an attack against non-Muslim prison guards, for it later to be*posted online.
    The upgraded security response*came*to light following the arrest of*26-year-old*Salah Abdeslam — a chief*suspect in the deadly Paris attacks —*in Brussels*on Friday. One investigation*source claimed*Belgian*police deliberately wounded*him in the operation as revenge for his attack on their colleagues, saying:
    “It was a little present for wounding police officers.”.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    Damn! I wanna go to Sweden to kick some muslim monkeys Dwight.

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    Sunday, March 20, 2016

    Migrant Gangs Leave Severed Head On Amsterdam Street

    by Chris Tomlinson*

    In Amsterdam a severed head was found laying in the open street. It is just the latest gruesome murder in what is being called the “MOCRO War” involving North African migrants from Morocco. Amsterdam resident Stan Koeman made the discovery. He first thought it may just be a bag laying on the ground but he soon realized what lay in front of his deli was much worse: “But then, I saw: shit it looks like a head,” he told Dutch media*according to*Welt.de.
    The remains of the body belonging to the victim were*found a day earlier, partially burned, in a different section of the city. The victim was a 23 year-old man, Nabil Amzieb.
    Police say the positioning of his head was done on purpose. His eyes were pointed toward a local shisha smoking lounge called “Fayrouz” which, according to local police, is a known meeting place for North African gangs who have been in a bitter and bloody turf war since 2012.
    Police are tight lipped about the case and didn’t want to confirm many details as the investigation is still ongoing but it is known in the area that more such incidents have occurred and that at least one person was shot near the shisha bar in 2014.
    Since 2012 there have been dozens of attacks by members of the so-called “MORCO mafia” against each other. Nearly 20 people have been killed since the beginning of the conflict but Nabil Amzieb is the youngest killed so far.
    Over the past year police released statistics showing the scale of the gang war. They showed 396 fire arms seizures and six murders, which was down from the average of ten per year since 2012.
    Amsterdam’s Mayor Eberhard van der Laan compared the violence to the notorious Mexican drug cartels saying: “We usually see these things on television series like “Narcos” or in places like Columbia, not in Amsterdam, but it was in Amsterdam.”
    He called the whole event a “big shock for the public”. Back in 2014 he was concerned that the city’s streets were becoming more violent, now he says he sees this event as merely a new chapter in the escalating violence.
    While police are being quiet about the investigation they were clear that they did not believe the “MOCRO war” was anywhere near over.
    In Germany this week migrant gang violence led to a car*exploding*in Berlin. The man who was targeted was involved in drug trafficking and was thought to have been the target of assassination by a*rival migrant gang.
    Austrian capital Vienna also saw migrant gang violence that started out as a dispute on social media and led to around 50 Afghani migrantsstabbing and beating*young Chechens. Both gangs are said to have also been involved in the drug trade.

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    I still say NUKE 'EM! And the sooner, the better!

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    Quote Originally Posted by pronk View Post
    "You must choose between these three choices: 1. Convert to Islam. 2. Pay the jizya [religious tax] for protection. 3. Or else, you will be decapitated
    The fact that there is an option 2 makes it look like bullshit Isn't it just convert or die usually

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    twisted world of islam

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    "The first Turkish immigrants arrived in Germany in 1961. In more than half a century Germany has failed to properly integrate 3 million people from a comparatively advanced and relatively civilized country. What hope is there to integrate a million people from a hellish backwater in a radically abbreviated timeframe?"

    Sins of the Fatherland: Germany's past, present and future
    Where Ms. Merkel, the chancellor, has welcomed refugees, Ms. Petry, a rising far-right leader, has said border guards might need to turn guns on anyone crossing a…

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    Idiot merkel's worst nightmare: GermXIT referendum

    Sunday, March 20, 2016

    ANGELA MERKEL'S NIGHTMARE: Germany faces EU referendum demands over migrant crisis

    GERMANY must have a UK-style referendum on its membership of the EU, the political party which gave Angela Merkel a bloody nose over the migrant crisis insists.
    Alternative fur Deutschland, formed in 2013, shocked the German establishment last week with huge gains in state elections. The results have placed it in prime position to challenge Mrs Merkel’s CDU/CSU coalition in next year’s general election. Speaking exclusively to the Sunday Express last night, party leaders shared their envy of Britain’s forthcoming EU referendum on June 23, and confirmed they would be pushing for a similar move in Germany. “I want every member state to decide what is better for them, and the only way we can really do that is to have a referendum, like the UK.” said deputy chairman Beatrix von Storch MEP. “Schengen has collapsed already. Under Schengen Europe’s borders are supposed to be protected. They’re not. “A referendum is the only way German people can truly express if they want to stay in the EU, if they want to stay in the Euro, if they want to reform border controls to deal with the migrant crisis. They should be given a voice. They must be asked what they want."Angela Merkel last week refused to back down on her policy not to cap the number of refugees given asylum in Germany. Over the last 12 months, more than 1.1 migrants have crossed Germany’s borders with 300,000 granted asylum. The policy will cost German taxpayers £36bn by 2017, according to a recent report. AfD won an extraordinary 61 seats in 3 regional parliaments last week, coming second with 24 per cent of the votes in Saxony-Anhalt. “We’re still a very young party so it’s a huge success," said Ms von Storch. “What’s even more important is the result in Baden-Wuertemberg, where we overtook the SDP, a ruling coalition party, to gain 15 per cent of the votes. “Our success shows that the people are no longer supporting the politics of our Chancellor and all the other parties who back her. “We are the only ones arguing that the only way for Germany to fight the refugee and migrant crisis is to close our borders.” She rejected claims that AfD was an extreme right-wing party, describing its views as “social conservatives and fiscal liberals”. Its core demographic, she said, was in the 18-40 year old group. “Most of our supporters are young and well educated,” she added. “In fact, our weakest group is the over-60s. And that’s good because we want our supporters to grow with us.”She said attempts to lump AfD in with the right wing anti-Islamic movement Pegida had failed. “Our political rivals have tried to damage us by linking us to Pegida – it’s the easiest way to damage a political party, especially here in Germany. But the people saw through this,” she said. “The truth is that the ruling CDU is so left-wing that anyone who holds a position to its right is actually still in the centre. And that’s were we are, right of centre. “We want to help people, of course, but we can’t have them all in Germany. “When it comes to economic migration from within the EU, we think the free movement of labour is okay as long as people are working. We don’t think they should be allowed to come to Germany just to take advantage of our generous benefits system.” Last week the Sunday Express reported a poll that suggested a third more Britons would vote to leave the EU if Turkey was formally allowed to become a member state. Pointing to ongoing negotiations between Brussels and Ankara, Ms von Storch said Turkish accession to the EU was red-line issue for German people as well. “Ultimately, we must protect our borders. We must distinguish between migrants from refugees outside the EU and those form within” said Ms von Storch. “The EU sees Turkey as the answer to our immigration problems. Well, President Erdogan knows how to play the game, and he will try to accelerate the accession process. “This can only garner more support for us as we are likely to be the only party to oppose this.” However, AfD is not a one-issue party, she said, pointing to other areas where EU interference has worked badly for Germany. “Our family platform places us where the Christian Democrats were ten years ago - social conservative values. We still believe in the idea of a nuclear family, with a mother, father and children. Unfortunately this has become an extraordinary idea in today’s Germany,’ she said. “For instance, we believe the time mothers take to stay at home to raise their children should be recognised in the same way as full-time working when it comes to calculating their pension entitlements.“ The Bologna process, an EU-wide reform adopted by 33 member states including the UK to bring Higher Education systems across Europe together, had also been a failure for Germany she said. Asked whether AfD would continue to pose a threat to the Angela Merkel and the ruling coalition, she replied: “Our general elections are 18 months away, and that’s a long time. “I’m pretty sure the problems we are facing now will have only increased, and we will gain even more support as people realise that we are the only party with answers to the real problems affecting Germans.”

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    russian rocket kicks brown muslim ass in London subway

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    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    Quote Originally Posted by pronk View Post

    I wish we say more video of what happened before and after. The guy filming seems like a good guy. Nice to see people helping others from criminals.

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    Imbecile Bitch merkel must be assassinated ASAP before she destroys Europe

    More african & muslim monkeys please!!!

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    peaceful muslim scum bombs Belgium

    merkel, holande and other "diverse" idiots to the GALLOWS!

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