Originally posted on 08/09/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
This thread useless without pics.

realizing it may not have been the "small kahked studs" of sbr you wanted photos of, I will submit a few of the participants in the "2019 Dyke Conversion Ride to DonkLand".....

a few that have already rsvp'd:

(sure, it may not be the most pleasant work, but someone has to bite the bullet, step up, and help the dykes out.....)

how will I stay hard? well, in addition to another hit of black gold viag 200mg every other hour, by getting so high on some aeroponic weed that all the bitches above look like this to my hallucinating ass:

or this:

or this:

or any of these babes:

(especially the one on the far right.....)