Originally posted on 01/15/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by dontknowhowtobet View Post

I "love" it when people try to bring in numbers as if they are part of the bureau of statistics, which itself is not a good measurement for accuracy but basing stats mainly on surveys.

You know, the Australian Dollar according to some blah blah blah has a 80% chance to keep on declining against the US dollar in 2014, whilst only 20% chance to go up against it (unlike New Zealand who is not in a rush to weaken its currency).

That's it, I said.
So now you believe me? You believe there is a 80% chance for it to happen?

No, of course you don't. And why? Because you don't know me.
And certainly I don't know you, who you work for, perhaps you work for the gambling industry, perhaps you don't.

But one thing I do know.
I don't think you can speak on behalf of 95% of Australian people. The fact is, you don't know them personally. The fact is, you never met the majority of them not even once in your life.

So I suggest you bring in statistics from a reliable source and back it up, or otherwise your assumptions are not facts, but in the best case only assumptions.

By all means.
I just disagree with the "stop talking" part, every person has the right to talk or express himself here or elsewhere as long as it doesn't collide with forum rules etc.

You know what? You could have simply googled and saved the world all that bullshit.

Here are da facts Jack. http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@....000&num=&view=

3.2% of the population.

I did not want to be mean to start with, because you are sick. But the truth is YOUu and the rest of those pathetic 3.2% are 100% of the reason the rest of us have so many restrictions on our pleasant pass time.

YOU are the reason for do gooder groups screaming about gambling ruining lifes.

YOU are the pathetic low life who wants to blame anyone but himself.

YOU are the delusional fool who imagines the other 96.8% of us are as hopeless and stupid as you.

Now please fukk off and stop gambling. Its a win win for all.

If all of the 3.2% of losers came to the same conclusion as you and simply stopped doing what you cant control, the rest of us could go on with our free and harmless entertainment in peace.

Are you starting to get what a total fuckup you actually are?

But keep screaming it is the gambling industry's fault YOU are a loser.

As I said before much easier than accepting the very very obvious data that YOU are the only problem with the gambling industry.