Originally posted on 12/09/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by SharpBoxing View Post
They should have beaten that ape to death

Over 100 years ago, immigrants stepped off the boats and kissed the ground and said this is my new home. They worked incredibly hard and built the USA from the ground up and that is a major reason why we flourished as a country.

Those hard working immigrants have been replaced by these black animals and the democrats continue to cry out that they are the backbone of our society and the 3 axis of evil (Obama, Reid and Pelosi) are dismantling our health care system solely for the benefit of this bottom 10% at the direct expense of the other 90%.

Diversity in the late 1800's/early 1900's helped our country a great deal but those hard working immigrants have been replaced by all of this human garbage.

Our founding forefathers with all of their wisdom knew how important it was to keep the black man in his place and our country ignored them and we are paying the price today.

Amazingly, liberals look at videos like this and find compassion for the black animal who tried to knock out that girl playing their new "knockout" game.

Its time to put these animals back in their place. They have the video showing what this black animal did and he should receive life imprisonment without a trial.