I sent three transactions to different sportsbooks last night. I use electrum and the first one showed up as unconfirmed and the second two as unconfirmed parents for some reason. The number of unconfirmed transactions on the blockchain starts rapidly increasing leading to all three getting stuck so I tried increasing the fees to see if I can force them through. I get errors on the first two but was allowed on the third. This transaction then disappears from my wallet.

Some time later the two remaining transactions are still not confirmed due to congestion so I try again to increase the fees. Using the highest increase (the error said something about the increased fee being too low) I'm able to get the second one to increase but it too disappears from my wallet. A little later I start getting confirmations on the remaining transaction and the second transaction reappears in my wallet. As of this afternoon the third transaction has not reappeared and the money is still showing up in my wallet.

The book where the missing transaction was sent has credited the deposit but it is a place that does it instantly without confirmations. Reading online I searched blockchain.com with my master public key and found this transaction that I believe was the missing one with the last sending address matching the amount I sent ($400). It shows plenty of confirmations.


I still have money (besides the missing the balance of missing transaction in my wallet) I would like to send to another book but not sure how to preceed. Is there a way to manually add the transaction or am I safe just calulating my true balance, sending it out, and creating a new wallet once this one is empty?