I put some money on BT a couple of weeks ago and built up some money. I mainly bet parlays of 3-5 teams (all money lines), and I go to place this same type of bet yesterday and I get an error message saying "MAX TEAMS 2 FOR THIS TYPE OF BET" meaning that they will only now allow me to place 2 team parlays. I find this pretty shady because I was speaking with a CS rep earlier in the week trying to increase my wager limit and he told me that "I won every parlay I've put in so far" and thats why they couldn't increase it. I dont think ive ever heard a CS rep tell me I was winning too much, and then this with the limited amount of teams now.

There isnt much feedback on this book so I was curious if anyone has run into any problems with them, or is currently playing there and can confirm that this is actually a legitimate rule on their site now. I asked them to show me in writing where is says they only allow 2 team ML parlays max but he obviously couldnt do that.

Thanks in advance for the feedback