1. #1
    PublicLogic's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    5dimes - tipped off by local authorities

    Local authorities tipped 5dimes off of an upcoming raid by the United States. Costa Rica lost its safe haven status, and 5dimes realized that they will no longer be protected in Costa Rica.

    With all of the big money entering into the states, and becoming legal sport books; they no longer will allow money to be bet in the black markets.

    Most likely, 5dimes is taking this time off to find a safe home.

    If this is true or not, I will miss 5dimes. I've been a member since early 2000's and have had a great relationship with them.

    First I lost BetJM, and now 5dimes.

    This one will take some time to heal my broken heart. Tears were streaming down my cheeks yesterday as I read the tragic news.

    At first, I thought it was a joke. Then, I thought that it would be only a couple days or weeks and they would be back better then ever. But after looking at the writing on the walls, the USA and their partners will be destroying the black market now that they are able to open up sports books of their own.

    It's obvious that somewhere in Costa Rica a politician or government official of Costa Rica tipped off 5dimes that they would no longer be protected in Costa Rica.

    RIP 5dimes and long live TONY

    - He's still alive!

  2. #2
    Roscoe_Word's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by PublicLogic View Post
    Local authorities tipped 5dimes off of an upcoming raid by the United States. Costa Rica lost its safe haven status, and 5dimes realized that they will no longer be protected in Costa Rica.

    With all of the big money entering into the states, and becoming legal sport books; they no longer will allow money to be bet in the black markets.

    Most likely, 5dimes is taking this time off to find a safe home.

    If this is true or not, I will miss 5dimes. I've been a member since early 2000's and have had a great relationship with them.

    First I lost BetJM, and now 5dimes.

    This one will take some time to heal my broken heart. Tears were streaming down my cheeks yesterday as I read the tragic news.

    At first, I thought it was a joke. Then, I thought that it would be only a couple days or weeks and they would be back better then ever. But after looking at the writing on the walls, the USA and their partners will be destroying the black market now that they are able to open up sports books of their own.

    It's obvious that somewhere in Costa Rica a politician or government official of Costa Rica tipped off 5dimes that they would no longer be protected in Costa Rica.

    RIP 5dimes and long live TONY

    - He's still alive!
    Heritage is in Costa Rica.

    Have they lost "protection" also?

  3. #3
    The Voice of SBR
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    Quote Originally Posted by PublicLogic View Post
    Local authorities tipped 5dimes off of an upcoming raid by the United States. Costa Rica lost its safe haven status, and 5dimes realized that they will no longer be protected in Costa Rica.

    With all of the big money entering into the states, and becoming legal sport books; they no longer will allow money to be bet in the black markets.

    Most likely, 5dimes is taking this time off to find a safe home.

    If this is true or not, I will miss 5dimes. I've been a member since early 2000's and have had a great relationship with them.

    First I lost BetJM, and now 5dimes.

    This one will take some time to heal my broken heart. Tears were streaming down my cheeks yesterday as I read the tragic news.

    At first, I thought it was a joke. Then, I thought that it would be only a couple days or weeks and they would be back better then ever. But after looking at the writing on the walls, the USA and their partners will be destroying the black market now that they are able to open up sports books of their own.

    It's obvious that somewhere in Costa Rica a politician or government official of Costa Rica tipped off 5dimes that they would no longer be protected in Costa Rica.

    RIP 5dimes and long live TONY

    - He's still alive!
    I'd like to see that story, can you provide the link?

  4. #4
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Tony can rot in hell.
    One big PRICK he was.

  5. #5
    BrickJames's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    Tony can rot in hell.
    One big PRICK he was.
    You are a clown for saying that. Tony was respectful to everyone except shot takers, you need to be a prick in that business.

    Speaking bad on dead people is a bad look.

    That man did more for this industry and introduced more products then any one person in the history of sports betting.

    Have some class.

  6. #6
    stevenash's Avatar Moderator
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    I liked Tony, sure he was a hard ass with me a couple of times, that's business.
    No successful business man made it by being soft.

    I gave him respect, he gave it back to me.

  7. #7
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    Tony can rot in hell.
    One big PRICK he was.
    Yeah he treated angle shooters and cheats like hell. Was funny stuff at times.

    He must have B-slapped you super hard to be still so sad over a dead guy eh?

  8. #8
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Tony at 5 Dimes was a complete jerk and I want to set the record straight.
    I was playing Caribbean Stud on 5 Dimes casino and caught a A-2-3-4-5 of Spades and was awarded 10% of the jackpot which was slightly over $10K. Was too excited to sleep so I processed a withdrawal request of $8K.
    Called the next day to check on the withdrawal and was transferred to Tony. Got a lot of trash talk about how he had to substantiate the Straight Flush, blah, blah, blah.
    Long story short he jerked me along, during several telephone conversations, for about 7 weeks before I got paid. The $8K meant nothing to Tony. He was just being a complete jerk.
