Breakfast Club Brainbuster

11/08: Over one third of Americans say this is a sure cure for a bad mood. What? Shopping
11/07: Since the 1980s wages for this job have risen nine times the rate of inflation. What is the job? Babysitting
11/06: If you are average over the course of your lifetime, you will spend 2 hours and 14 minutes doing this in your car. What? Kissing
11/05: About 58% of us say this should be done only on the weekend. What? Voting
11/04: On any given day, about 1/3 of people at Disney World have this in common. What? They are there as adults without kids
11/01: 71% of us have started this but didn't finish it. What? An online purchase
10/31: 1 in 200 people say they have done this on Halloween. What? Call the Police
10/30: 55% of people do this while getting photographed. What? Show their teeth
10/29: The average household has more than 20 of these in it right now. What? Gift Bags
10/28: 70% of us believe if you own one of these it is a sure sign that you are successful. What? Hot Tub
10/25: About 3 in 10 women have made this change for a job interview. What? Take off their wedding ring
10/24: Twenty-five years ago, 70% of households had one of these. Today only about 2% have one of these. What? Popcorn Popper
10/23: 20% of people say they can do this with their hands. What? Handstand
10/22: 22% of homeowners are jealous of this. What? Neighbor's lawn
10/21: A survey of women were asked what totally ruins their day. The #1 answer was a fight with their significant other and the #2 answer was getting yelled at by their boss. What is the #3 answer? Pants don't fit right that day
10/18: 40% of women would not go out with a guy who has a bad _____? Credit Report
10/17: Married people say this 90% more than single people. What? I'm sorry
10/16: 30% of people who have these do not use it for it's intended use. What? A garage
10/15: 7% of us have quit a job because of this. What? Your mother told you to quit.
10/14: Adults were asked "What can you not live without?" The #1 answer was the internet and the #2 answer was TV. What was #3? Cuddling
10/11: This product has a 99>9% success rate. What? A parachute
10/10: About 1/3 of husbands have hiden this from their wives. What? A speeding ticket
10/9: Only 5% of us say it is okay to use this twice, the other 95% say only use it once. What? Halloween costume
10/08: According to a new office survey, 18% of us say this is our worst work fear. What? Getting stuck in the bathroom with no toilet paper
10/07: Over 80% of people under the age of 30, do this with their mobile phone. What? Use it as an alarm clock
10/4: The average one of these will travel 30,000 miles in its lifetime. What? A grocery cart
10/3: 25% of married men admit they have asked their wives to do this when they are in bed. What? Get up out of bed and check on a noise
10/2: 1 in 10 Americans will call this person today. Who? A Tow Truck
10/1: In a recent survey, married people were asked to describe their spouse in one word. What was the number one answer? Stubborn
9/30: A majority of Americans say they do this after going to a concert. What? Save the ticket stub
9/27: 60% of men are fine with these but only 38% of women are. What? Unisex bathrooms
9/26: About 1 in 6 pet owners have done this for their pets. What? Put them in their will
9/25: A survey of Americans were asked, "What is your number 1 greatest pleasure?" A clean house
9/24: 8% of men say they would do this for a million dollars. What? Leave their wife or girlfriend
9/23: 45% of us admit we have tried this and a majority of those people wished they had not tried this. What? Cut your own hair
9/20: Americans eat over 400 million dollars worth of these every year. What? Snickers
9/19: In a survey of adults, 9% of them admit they did this in high school. What? Forged their parents signature atleast once
9/18: Americans throw away about 90% of these without using them. What? Instructions
9/17: On average during your career, this will happen about 200 times. What? You are late for work
9/16: Women think about this four times a day but guys think about this only once every other day. What? Grocery shopping
9/13: A quarter of us have done this. About 40 percent say they wanted to. What? Throw something at the TV.
9/12: Food is the #1 topic on Facebook, what is topic #2? Exercising.
9/11: Nearly 70% of women say they have no desire to date someone who has this. What? Grey hair
9/10: 1/4 of us say we have embarrassed ourselves here. Where? A wedding reception
9/09: One third of married men say they have hidden this from their wives. What? A speeding ticket.
9/06: Men will spend about one month of their life doing this. What? Matching Socks
9/05: 15% of people say they are terrified of these. What? Escaltors
9/04: The average person only cleans this every 2 years. What? The glove compartment in their car
9/03: 76% of women say they would never wear this is front of a co-worker. What? A bathing suit
9/02: Happy Labor Day
8/28: When looking for a girlfriend about 10% of men say they hope she doesn't have this. What? A cat
8/27: 10% of people age 18-34 years old, admit they have used their cell phone while doing this. What? Taking a shower
8/26: A recent study reveals about 20% of people say they never do this when they go on vacation. What? Relax
8/25: This happens about 200,000 times a second. What? Text messages are sent
8/24: The average one of these lasts 9 hours and 45 minutes. What? A hangover
8/23: New researchers indicate that ladies can tell that a man is romantically interested in them if he plays with or adjusts this. What? Socks
8/22: Researchers have found that women are more likely to remember men who have this. What? A deep voice
8/21: 7% of dates end if the guy does this. What? Honks the horn instead of coming to the door
8/20: About 30% of women say they are totally brand loyal to this. What? Shampoo
8/19: About one third of us do this in our neighborhood. What? Go and welcome new neighbors when they move in
8/16: According to a survey, what is the number on thing mom's dream? Winning the lottery
8/15: 20% of people who say they do this never actually do it. What? Work-out
8/14: Who was the most searched celebrity on the internet in the 90's? Pamela Anderson
8/13: 3% of us admit we do this (this is a serious breech of computer security). What? Write down your password on a piece of paper and leave it next to the computer
8/12: A third of us will go through the day without doing this. What? Making the bed
8/09: No Brainbuster
8/08: About 45% of people say they always do this while driving. What? Obey the speed limit
8/07: 16% of women say they don't want the man to do this on a first date. What? Pay for the date
8/06: Over the course of a year, you will get about 35 of these in your lifetime. What? Bruises
8/05: The average person will have this happen nearly 1000 times during their lifetime. What? Pay day
8/02: Two thirds of women in Arizona do this twice a day. What? Yell at someone in traffic
8/01: A majority of couples say this has caused an argument during a vacation. What? One of them doing work
7/31: This happens to one out of every 16 married couples. What? Make it longer enough to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
7/30: 52% of women say they don't like it when a man does this. What? Wink
7/29: According to a survey, people say this is the worse thing about email. What? "Reply All"
7/26: Women burn approximately 15,000 calories every year doing this. What? Shopping
7/25: If you are not going on vacation this year, do this, close your eyes and it will feel like your on vacation. What? Light a coconut scented candle
7/24: 60% of us have one of these in our car. What? Cassette player
7/23: About 40 people a day call 911 for this reason. What? For the weather report
7/22: 70% of men say they would never let their significant other near this. What? The grill
7/19: This happens to the average person about 150 times a day. What? Lose your hair
7/18: About 33% of dating dad lie about this on their dating profile on Online dating website. What? Claiming to have kids and they don't
7/17: Women take care of this 13% of the time, the rest of the time men take care of it. What? Wedding Proposal
7/16: About one third of us admit to lying to get out of doing this. What? Attending a wedding.
7/15: This is happening this year; 2013, for the first time since 1987. What? None of the digits in the year repeat.
7/12: Sales of this snack food increases by 65% in the summertime. What? Cracker Jacks
7/11: People would rather for one week give up their Smart phone before they would be willing to give up this. What? Cheese
7/10: About 20% of men say they have never done that. What? Never said I love you
7/09: About a quarter of Americans with one of these would get a different one if given a chance. What? A college degree
7/08: What is the #1 small appilances given as a wedding gift these days, according to a survey? Electric knives
7/05: Part of the Fourth of July Weekend! No Brainbuster!
7/04: Happy Fourth of July!!! No Brainbuster!
7/03: According to the "experts", they have determined that ladies, this looks best on you at the age of 29. What? Hairstyle
7/02: The average woman will have about 150 of these in her lifetime. What? Hairstyles
7/01: About 40% of us say we are very good at doing this. What? Waking up and remembering our dreams from the night before
6/28: Over 60 percent of Americans live here. Where? In the state he/she was born in.
6/27: 7 percent of car accidents are caused by this. What? A bug in the car.
6/26: This makes guys 12 percent hotter to women. What? Wearing a plain white t-shirt.
6/25: This crime happened 500,000 times in Ameria last year. What? Hotel towel was stolen.
6/24: 28,000 of these are thrown out everyday in America. What? TV sets
6/21: People on diets say this is the hardest thing to give up. What? Cheese
6/20: According to a recent survey, people in this occupation suffer from the most headaches. What? People who conduct surveys
6/19: 2/3 of men admit they have done this while driving. What? Ran out of gas
6/18: In a recent survey, over half of men say they don't know how to use this. What? Clothes Washing Machine
6/17: What is the number one most often asked question of Morning Radio DJs? What time do you get up in the morning?
6/14: The average guy does this 29 seconds faster than the average woman. What? Changes diapers
6/13: What is the number one thing fathers are requesting for Father's Day this year? Power Washers
6/12: The average man finally does this at age 43. What? Grows up
6/11: People who do this while at work tend to make more money. What? Drinking a beverage with the company logo on it
6/10: The average woman starts doing this at age 31. What? Acting like their mother
6/07: What is the #1 word women use to end an argument? Fine
6/06: 2% of women say they have dumped a guy because of this. What? He's a bad dancer
6/05: According to a recent survey, more than 50% of guys keep one of these close to them most of the time. What? Picture of their car
6/04: Women take twice as long doing this as men. What? Ordering at a restaurant
6/03: 1 in 3 married men say they have snuck out of the house to do this. What? Gone to their mother's for a home-cooked meal.
5/31: A study finds that a slow computer is the most annoying thing. What is number two? A slow driver
5/30: What is the most common pre-date fear? Bad breath
5/29: The smaller this is the more money you make. What? Your name
5/28: The average person uses 55 of these everyday. What? Toilet paper squares
5/27: No Brainbuster! Happy Memorial Day!
5/24: Only 15% of Americans have ever done this. What? Gone on a cruise
5/23: 20% of the money couples spend without telling their partners goes to this. What? The Lottery
5/22: Over 80% of people say they would do this to their partner if they could. What? Put a GPS Tracking System on them
5/21: 6% of us say we still use one of these. What? A clothes line
5/20: 15% of households don't have one of these and for the rest of us it is a must have. What? An alarm clock
5/17: This will happen to 3% of the people who attend a college graduation. What? They will get a parking ticket
5/16: The average man experiences this for the first time at age 25. What? Grey hair
5/15: 20% of men say they have never cleaned this. What? Car's Interior
5/14: The giving of this gift for Mother's Day was up over 500% this year compared to last year. What? Botox
5/13: About a quarter of women say they refuse to look at this. What? A full length mirror
5/10: 40% of mothers with toddlers have this in their purse right now. What? Baggie of Cheerios
5/09: 60% of couples have had this household argument in the kitchen. What? Whether to rinse the dishes before they go in the dishwasher
5/08: According to a recent survey of ebay users, what household item is sold the most on ebay? Foot massager
5/07: About 1/3 of women say they wish they could change this about themselves. What? Their laugh
5/06: On average over the course of your life, ladies do this two months and guys do this an entire year. What? Look at the opposite sex
5/03: What is the number one secret women keep from their partner? The number of pairs of shoes they own
5/02: The average desk has 19 of these. What? Paper clips
5/01: 8% of women say they do this at work. (Hint: It has something to do with restroom visits). What? Lift their feet up when in the stall
4/30: For about 20% of us we use this everyday. What? A Nickname
4/29: Results of a new survey show Americans have a fear of heights more than any other phobia. What is # 2? Dentists
4/26: Thirty years ago only about 15% of people did this regularly, today 85% do this regularly. What? Wear a seatbelt
4/25: 75% of people 18 and younger have never done this. What? Write a check
4/24: 65% of women do this in the shower. What? Form the day's to do list
4/23: About 65% of women say they own atleast one of these. What? A lucky bra
4/22: When it comes to smells, a recent survey says our favorite smell is fresh baked bread. What smell came in second? A clean baby
4/19: A majority of couples say their first important discussion after they got married was about this. What? Who will do the laundry
4/18: 60% of single women say they will kiss a man on the first date if he does this while they are on the date. What? If they talk about their mother
4/17: 8% of women never get rid of this. What? Maiden Name
4/16: Men think about this about 20 times a day and women about half of that. What? Food
4/15: 2 out of 5 married women say they can't recall this. What? How they met or their first date
4/12: According to a survey of business travelers, men are about 50% more likely than women to do this when they are on a business trip. What? Feel Homesick
4/11: The number one thing people say they see in the clouds is a face. What is the number two thing? An angel
4/10: According to a recent survey, where is the number one place people loose their cellphones? Grocery Store
4/09: According to a new survey, the more reality TV shows you watch the more likely you are to do this over people who don't watch as much reality TV. What? Go to a tanning bed
4/08: According to a survey, what is the number one thing kids don't like to hear their parents say. What? Money doesn't grow on trees
4/05: In a survey, lottery players were asked if you ever hit a big jackpot what would you do? The number 1 answer was start my own business! What was the number 2 answer? Get a divorce
4/04: This is 50% smaller than it was 25 years ago but it costs four timesas much as it did 25 years ago. What? Bikinis
4/03: It's estimated that about 40% of work place firings over the past year was because of this. What? Cursing
4/02: 29% of people say this is their number one pet peeve about their partner. What? Cover hog
4/01: In reference to Easter egg hunts, this happened to a quarter of them. What? Atleast one egg is never found
3/29: The average women does this 3 days per year. What? Stays in her pajamas all day
3/28: This activity in U.S. homes has decreased over 80% since 1960. What? Reading bedtime stories to kids
3/27: Almost half of women wish their man would do this more often. What? Wear Cologne
3/26: Monday afternoons at exactly 2:36 PM is the time that people are most likely to do this. What? Post or email pictures from the weekend
3/25: Over 40% of women have one of these at work and one in the car. What? Shoes
3/22: Overwhelmingly, employers really hate it when employees show up to work in this. What? Wrinkled shirts
3/21: Getting ready to go out for a date ladies, a quarter of you will do this before you leave the house. What? Talk to themselves in the mirror
3/20: Women say the most romantic thing is a candlelight dinner. What is number two? A picnic in the country
3/19: About 1 in 5 American men admit that they have done this "girlie" thing atleast once. What? Read a romance novel
3/18: 75% of Americans prefer this homemade rather than professionally made. What? Mashed Potatoes
3/15: 25% of men who have Smart phones say they have started to do this regularly since getting the Smart phone. What? Pee sitting down
3/14: Nearly 1/2 of Americans admit to doing this "lazy" thing at home. What? Putting an empty container back in the refrigerator
3/13: Most women wait a full month before this happens with a new boyfriend. What? Let the boyfriend see her without makeup
3/12: 30% of men admit they have done this to impress a date. What? Rented or borrowed something and called it their own
3/11: On average, couples will argue about this 104 times a year. What? Cleaning the house.
3/08: In a survey of women this is the biggest turnoff if they see this at a guys house. What? Dirty dishes in the sink.
3/07: A new survey asked people to name things that aren't as good as they used to be. What was the #1 response. Manners & politeness
3/06: On average, right now this is worth.$2.42. What? A Tooth for the Tooth Fairy
3/05: About 4 out of every 10 women will keep this for more then 3 years. What? Same hair style
3/04: Talking Facebook, over 1/2 of women say a man is much more attractive if he is doing this in his facebook profile picture. What? Holding a musical instrument
3/01: No Brainbuster-Dick & Dave's Care For Kids Radiothon
2/28: 82% of people say they can tell the difference between these two items blindfolded. What? Coke & Pepsi
2/27: If you have a dog and you have this, you get less exercise then a dog owner who does not have this. What? A fence
2/26: According to a survey, what is the least favorite thing to eat at the movies? Dots
2/25: About 50% of men say a women looks "hot" when she does this. What? Wears a baseball hat
2/22: We are doing this on average about every six minutes. What? Checking your phone
2/21: There is a 75% divorce rate among couples where one partner does this and the other one does not. What? Smokes
2/20: About 60% of us say we had one of these as a child. What? An imaginery friend
2/19: According to a survey, what is the number one reason women do not like to exercise? Messes up their hair
2/18: 80% of people, say their right hand does most of the work when doing this. What? Clapping
2/15: When it comes to bosses, the bigger this the bigger the ego. What? Signature
2/14: This week every year, this business sees a 30% boost in sales. What? Private Investigator
2/13: Over $800 million will be spent on this, for this Valentine's Day. What? Gifts for Pets
2/12: 8 million Americans admit they will do this on Valentine's Day. What? Send themselves a Valentine
2/11: This will happen to the average person 7 times in their lifetime. What? Lock your keys in the car
2/08: 10% of married women have a secret one of these. What? A secret Facebook account
2/07: If you are an average person, you will eat 200 of these a year. What? A bowl of cereal
2/06: 5% of American workers have called out at work because of this. What? Stubbed a toe
2/05: This past weekend we saw fewer of these than any other weekend of the year. What? Weddings
2/04: According to a survey by Gillette, 2 out of 3 women say they don't like to do this. Do What? Kiss a man with a beard
2/01: This will happen more this Monday (2/4) then any other day of the year. What? Call in sick to work
1/31: Doing this for one minute relieves as much stress as an half hour massage. What? Popping Bubble Wrap
1/30: About 1/3 of American homeowners live in a house without one of these. What? A Mortgage
1/29: Over the course of a lifetime, the average person spends over a month doing this. What? Waiting on hold on the phone
1/28: About 1/3 of hotel rooms in America have this. What? An In-Room Safe
1/25: Overall on Facebook, people post about this type more than any other. What is it? Weather
1/24: The average man needs two of these and the average women needs four. What? Pillows
1/23: 40% of bank tellers say this has happened to them in the past year. What? They have been asked out on a date
1/22: Single men were asked what is their least favorite thing to do on a first date? Go Dancing
1/21: 1 in 9 men say they will secretly wear this. What? Make-Up
1/18: About 1/4 of women say they have done this at work. What? Use the Men's Room while at work
1/17: The average women says she will wait over two months before doing this in front of her partner. What? Go without makeup
1/16: 70% of women say they have knowingly bought this kind of designer fashion item. What? A Knockoff product
1/15: 37% of men admit they have bought a gift for their significant other here. Where? A gas station
1/14: According to a survey, a man who has this is much more attractive to a women.What? A big kitchen
1/11: Of all of these that are purchased, 70% of them will never get used. What? Workout DVDs
1/10: It takes the average women 5 hours to do this and guys get it done in 2 hours. What? Pack for a vacation
1/09: Over 1/3 of married couples say they wish they could change this about their wedding. What? Their first dance song
1/08: 3% of American workers say this is their New Year's Resolution. What? Get the Boss fired
1/07: According to a survey, liver is America's most disliked food. What is number two? Lima Beans
1/04: Over 1/2 of Americans who regularly go to the gym say they dread this. What? January
1/03: 1/3 of people who are looking to buy a home say this is a must-have feature. What? a Deck
1/02: On average people do this about 25 times a day. What? Listen to a song