Soak it in salt water overnight. Google a recipe. A couple of critical mistakes to avoid;
Never brine a frozen or even a semi frozen turkey. If your bird is still a little frozen just skip the brine step altogether.
Watch the salt. 3/4 cup per gallon is plenty.
Don't over brine. Some books say 24 hrs, 10 hours is perfect for a good size turkey. 12 hrs max.
Dont add a bunch of junk to the brine. Dont add cloves or spices like basil. Dont even think about adding liquid smoke or anything with salt in it. Seriously, keep it simple.
Do add something sweet. I like to add a 1/2 qt of OJ and a couple of tbls of honey.(if you dont add something sweet your bird could be too salty...the sweetner does not make the meat sweet it just relaxes the salt)
An hour before you cook remove the bird and wash it good, then let it sit upside down for an hour on a rack to drain and dry.
If you dont have room in your refer you can add ice and leave it out. Add more ice sometime in the night.
That's about it...bone up a tree!...or is Bon Appétit?