Just got back a few hours ago from a Valentines Day dinner with my wife and daughter. It was ok, but what was really on my mind was if I could make it back for 2nd half late NBA betting and if I could find a way to fund such betting (I didn't and I couldn't).

It doesn't matter. Tomorrow's a new day and my wife doesn't even know about the $29,000 in unsecured debt I have accumulated through gambling.

I have promised to turn over to her $4000 in tax refunds which I will get in a couple of weeks. I really need to make $1000 with that money to cover some obligations. Certainly I can make a mere $1000 with $4000 to play with, right?

I am wondering -- do I make a hero's play of wagering the whole $4000 on some obscure NCAA BB play after consuming half a quart of whiskey (we're talking a rush that mainlining smack can't equal). Maybe I can grind it out with safe plays and just get the $1000.

Got a couple of beers to finish before I go to bed. I'll guess I'll figure it out tomorrow.