Here are the reasons that I've seen:

  1. I use a local and have no use for online sportsbooks.
  2. I use a sportsbook that is not a sponsor of SBR.
  3. I don't want my personal information being used.
  4. I currently do not have enough money to fund a sponsored book.
  5. I don't want to (this must be some pathetic attempt at anti-conformism).

Every single reason I listed above leaves me to include all non-SBR Pros should not be given any betpoints nor be allowed to participate in any of the contests. Here is why:

If you use a local, good for you. You are of zero use to SBR. Fukk your page impressions and the horse they rode in on.

If you don't use a sponsored book, that means you have enough funds to get one and clearly personal information isn't an issue. Stop being a fukk.

You don't want your personal information being used? Then how the fukk you going to buy anything at the SBR Store, you stupid fukk? Fukk you and your privacy concerns. You aren't that important and no one cares. Get over yourself.

You're broke? Why you on this message board? For the charming banter? Maybe you should spend more time looking for work and less time on SBR and funding a sportsbook wouldn't be such an issue? Clueless fukk.

You don't want to? Fukk you.

So, as you can see there's no reason to give these useless members any points. Provide them an incentive to fund a sponsored book and watch them do it. Most of these sheep don't know how to do anything unless you tell them, it's about time SBR does just that.

God bless*.

*Only applies to SBR Pros.