Originally posted on 06/24/2010:

Chi has to be considered every month, the guy simply puts outs numbers. There are few threads you won't see Chi replying in plus he starts plenty on his own.

Profits numbers appear to be down some this month. He took on the role of trying to run the HCOM and people haven't responded. His May crown might be a little tight cause he's been more confrontational at times this month.

Coug's is always a canidate but have noticed the vids have fallen off a bit. This is to be expected though because keeping them fresh and entertaining take a lot of preperation and he has been busy with work.

EggNogg is in full force once again. If there ws a jubior division for POTM his new Fantasy of the LPN would qualify him. Unfortunately if EggNogg were to recieve the recognition of winning JJ's award it would only over inflate and already over inflated ego to the point of exploding. JJ then would be quilty of second degree douche slaughter.