Originally posted on 03/22/2024:

Quote Originally Posted by jackpot269 View Post
Ill vote 3rd party. To answer your question, most that do, it's because the Republicans refuse to put forth a better candidate. No good option from major parties.
of course that's incorrect. The dems have put out back-to-back the worst candidates with Crooked Hillary and Crooked Joe Biden.

The republicans selected a pro America successful businessman who isn't beholden to anyone to run for president. He won twice (they rigged the 2nd and we all know it) and he was the best president in modern history. A true American hero with the balls to take on the Washington cartel and the dishonest media.

Vote Trump is you truly love this country and want to reverse this course of wokeness and incompetence its headed down.

Voting 3rd party is the same as throwing paint on a painting in an Art Gallery to protest global warming. Maybe a handful of your friends think you are brave, but everyone else thinks you are a doofus.