Originally posted on 01/29/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by stake1 View Post
i am locked in at Kc +2', and also have a little +1' (1h). may sell some and add Kc -9' +$287. bol has a tempting -10' +$320
there is a long list of tout-schmucks on the bengals: cowherd, lee sterling, "ace-ace-eastman", canada's worst picker: sherwood, and many many more
Looks good, stake.

Yes, I bet multiple times earlier in the week. My portfolio looks good. Could always look better.

Exactly. Bengals are going to look too good for most to pass up.

My last point: *Is there a chance the Bills were just shot after the Hamlin injury?
...Forget about football. Their friend/brother almost died. If they didn't look like the same team post-injury, there's a reason for it, their minds were a million miles away.