Originally posted on 09/06/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
It's the new thing.

It's going to happen more and more, get used to it.

We had a popular President trailblaze it as a campaign strategy, calling the election into doubt, with zero evidence to do so and even doing so before it occurs, when no evidence is even possible, is part of the strategy.

We've even seen Republicans in Arizona say that if they lose an election, it's because it was "rigged" but only if they lose and we've seen Republicans in California just campaign on the premise the election is fraudulent and actively seek public reports of fraud that never materialize (done for optics like the Trump elction fraud lawsuits) in elections where the Republican candidates have no chance.

It's an election strategy and evidence is not only not required, but not even really wanted because of the risk of calling an election you win as fraudulent, or the election results down the ticket that might favor the fraud claiming candidate's party.
The point being, she lost in 2018 and said they stole the election. The dems said Trump wasn't a legitimate president after 2016. The head of the Jan 6th committee (I forget his name) refused to certify the 2016 election results and did many dems. Even the current horrible Press Secretary said the election was rigged. But but all of a sudden, if Trump or anyone says the same things, then its taboo. The News media acts all offended by this. LOL. Dumb people.