Originally posted on 05/27/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by Myranda Jones View Post
XMR Monero is the King of privacy coins. The IRS hates Monero so much that they set an over $1 Million bounty on whoever can crack and trace it.
BTC and Monero will be all that is ever needed. The former is the "legitimized" asset to hold (and borrow against, etc) and/or make large transfers with, the latter is the ultimate use case of "crypto" that one will be able to switch in and out of. Only if you are a John McAfee will it really matter that BTC is pseudonymous, that's why he didn't like BTC that much. But given the incompetence or effort required by governments to track people, that only affects large profile POI - which is not most people. And certainly in non 5 eyes countries it's a no brainer.