Originally posted on 06/06/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by HockeyRocks View Post
Listen up you Right Wing Whackos and listen up fukking good.

Douchebag Don politically is fukking done. WTF is wrong with you idiots. There's a very good chance he could be charged with inciting the deadly Capitol insurrection. Most of you have FRUITLOOPS between your ears and just don't get it. His days are done politically. He will be answering to different charges by the United States AG, AG of NY, by the SDONY and possibly by the AG of Georgia. For the next several years he will be answering summons after summons, subpoena after subpoena, making court appearances etc., and dodging the court systems. His days are running out CHUMPS.. To continue to believe he will return in any form politically tells me you fukking Right Wing Whackos really are ignorant..
Only a person with a mental illness would post something like that.

would it surprise anyone if you were the next mass shooter?