Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30192619'>posted</a> on 04/03/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by Clutchut12 View Post
Nothing is ever goin to change unless the Republican Party starts fighting back. Quit watching this fkin sport, quit drinking that piss water Coke. Get a fkin life and get off Twitter and Facebook. Hit these fkers in their pockets and they will quit whining about every single fkin thing in life.
Starts fighting back? They are literally the only ONES FIGHTING. Restricting civil rights, voting rights, fighting against health care, fair working wages, education, gerrymandering, getting in bed with despots, dictators, billion dollar companies that pay zero taxes, destroying the environment, on and on and on. They even wanted their own grid in Texas. How'd that work out? Oh they wanted disaster funding from Biden. sOCiAliSm LiBTaRd.

Even after the worst Presidency in World's history (notice how things are rolling along nicely now?), the only reason Trump lost is because Covid starting killing REPUBLICANS and their old penetrate parents and grannys. Traitors only understand things that affect them, they have no empathy.

One thing the GOP understands? Money. Don't do sporting events, concerts, conferences, summits, any kind of income for their state or counties and they will start whistling a different tune.