Originally posted on 11/23/2019:

thanks AD, but maybe you missed this part. so I will repeat. it is craziness, and you know it is craziness. but please be absolutely sure about this. I don't allow it to bother me personally because that would be counter intuitive. I have not and I repeat I know but I have not raised my voice in decades. becoming angry is incredibly stupid. Mad dogs, children, really stupid people and evil people become angry to the point of health care and criminality.

no, my friend I find SBR as a place to ridicule the incredibly stupid. I attempted to discuss with these people until I discovered beyond any shadow of any doubt they are incapable of logic, research, even an ability to express an educated opinion. so, instead of attempting to convince or persuade I simply ridicule. I will continue with that until I find one of you crazies willing to actually face facts, actually admit when you are wrong, and that is very very unlikely.

be well.