Originally posted on 11/14/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
Dear Shute,

I dont post hardly anymore for two reasons. One, I work quite often in long hours. But mostly because of the second reason. Which is because the forum has turned gayer than aids because of ass clowns like you, bigbear, and others who couldn't find their own ass with two hands yet make 12 worthless threads a day. I mean who needs to login to this place anymore to see nothing but garbage when I can just call or text the actual worth while people that use to frequent this place before it became a shit hole. Literally all the greats either dont even post anymore or post 5 times a week.

Sad but true.

Looked at the odds for POTY thread and almost made a similar comment but didn’t because there are still a few good ones on there. Like Diggity.

But yea, this place is a shadow of what it used to be and is dying. They know it too, or at least don’t care to do anything about it. Why else would half the bash attendees be twitter posters last year?

But this specific thread is retarded because tons of posters don’t post plays (me included—because what is the point?) but two out of the five on the list post plays pretty regularly.

Shute is the worst name for this poster. A disgrace to the world of wrestling.