Originally posted on 07/31/2019:

Psychic force? Are you referring to the Marianne Williams comment from the other night?

I don't know about psychic force but he sure is a master bullshitter for those that want to believe. He's no different than most cult leaders/religions. After a while people just accept the nonsense as truth/fact. E.g. Virgin births and talking snakes you say?... SIGN ME UP!. If you tell believers that you don't believe in virgin births nor talking snakes... they tell you that YOU are the crazy one. Take a look at the behavior/characteristics of cult leaders and dictators throughout history... Trump's no different.

How much time do you think Trump spent at Ground Zero after 9/11? For those that believe... they will likely tell you LOTS!(because he said so) For those that understand the psychology of people like Trump... they know the answer is likely NONE. Can you prove he didn't spend any time there? Of course not. This is exactly why he is making the claim to begin with. He knows it can't be disproven. People like this make claims like this all the time. I could claim that I slept with Scarlett Johansson and call anyone a liar that says I haven't because they can't prove it. It still doesn't make it true. Trump makes these type of claims practically every day and his supporters don't know the difference. They WANT to believe, mostly because they despise the left and they know Trump does too. The enemy of your enemy isn't necessarily your friend. You have to judge these type of things independently.