Originally posted on 05/25/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
Hmmm, well we don't really know for sure what Mueller decided, do we?

and how many American citizens must testify to his dishonesty and his incompetence, in business, politics, and even in everyday life. tell me that, how many honest, hard working, dependable, trustworthy people both left right, both R and D must tell you he is a no good bastard before you say...hmmm maybe these people are on to something.

this isn't a situation of left vs right only. how many respectable and honorable R have bad mouthed this guy? How many? Please you people supporting this reptile make me weak in every joint in my body.
There's a legal word for your entire rant


Nobody cares what people think or say except themselves.

What does it matter what people say about others? It only goes to highlight their own insecurities.

We don't know what Mueller decided? JFC kid 2 plus years, $40mm down the drain, 400 pages of report and testimony and what....

Nothing to charge. Nothing but heresy, rhetoric, enduindo. A bunch "he wanted to", "he contemplated", etc. Those aren't the same as facts or acts.

Basically there's (regarding Trump at this point) 2 worlds. Reality, where smart people are living a great life and making bank; and fantasyland- where pathetic people are living in the past thinking about 2016 and not enjoying this glorious time we are in, not making money and instead feeling sorry for themselves.

It really is a physchological thing. Not just on this board but in the bars, in workforce, at gatherings...there are truly miserable people out there only because of their feelings about Trump.