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    I don't believe you ... please continue
    DwightShrute's Avatar SBR PRO
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    "He's not worth it" says Nancy Pelosi : Nominated Post

    Originally posted on 03/12/2019:

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt2341 View Post
    Yeah, I know. Anyone who calls out Trump on his lies has TDS and anyone who blindly believes everything he says has Common Sense. I've heard all of this before from your fellow cult members.

    I have just one question for you darrellSBR(notice how I saved time right there), does saying Tim Apple instead of Tim Cook save time?
    TDS is what happens when you are consumed with everything Trump.

    TDS is when you make every excuse imaginable not to question Comey, Brennan, Tapper, Crooked Hillary, the Steele Dossier and the subsequent fisa warrant paid for by Crooked Hillary, the deleting of 33K emails and the literal smashing of devices after being subpoenaed but the FBI but continue to be enamored but the phony Mueller hoax with Russia and Trump.

    TDS is seeing the Fake News sites like CNN lie to you everyday but you don't care.

    TDS is repeating fake news lies and fake narratives as if they were true.

    TDS is counting Trump's exaggerations as lies from left wing outlets but totally looking the other way when they outright lie and make shit up about Trump.

    TDS is when you know you are being duped by fake news but you don't care because you rather see Trump fail than the country succeed.

    TDS is calling everyone who disagrees with you stupid all the time. Calling them Nazis. Saying things like is literally Hitler.

    TDS is pretending Trump supporters are in a cult.

    TDS is pretending walls don't work.

    TDS is being triggered by the Apple thing.

    TDS is pretending you don't care about Donna Brazile giving Crooked Hillary the debate questions the night before.


    You have it John. Big Time.
    Last edited by DwightShrute; 03-12-19 at 08:08 PM.
