Originally posted on 04/28/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
You guys were high fives when Obama was racking up more debt than all the POTUS's before him. Suddenly you're concerned. Noble I reckon.

And Kelly, you make the argument for Trump's growth plan and don't even realize it. You will never strengthen the dollar and grow wages at 1.5% growth. It's mathematically impossible. It's a growth rate that leads to austerity, severe and near complete cuts in social spending.

You make a clear argument, unbeknownst to you, to grow the economy. You make the argument to do exactly what Trump is doing and it's working.
No we weren't. Obama inherited two wars. Pulling out of one, the JV team moved in. Making us spend more.
Bush had already cut taxes during his time also adding to the debt. If Obama raised taxes to pay for Bush's wars,
he'd be thrown out on his ear during the worst recession in modern times.

Instead of giving out handouts like your boy with tax cuts, he gave out loans that most paid back with interest,
minimizing the debt and filling our coffers.

He did extend unemployment insurance for 2 years which added to the debt.

Yes wages were stagnant, but at least there were jobs. Horse before the cart. The wal marts and Targets are finally
raising wages which increases the industry standard and will have a trickle up effect.

Would still like to see the math on bringing in more revenue on less tax intake especially at full employment.