Originally posted on 04/05/2018:

Watching the science channel the other night. Our oxygen content has been a steady 27.2% no matter what
has been spewed into the air. Human activity hasn't changed that from the time they've been measuring.

Just by watching your local news, records hot or cold are just now being broken from 50 to 100 years ago
way before we even thought about restricting co2 levels.

As a kid, before the EPA set standards the winters were colder and had more snow. I remember LA surrounded
by smog, but is clear today because of reduced emissions.

Our weather has gone through many changes way before humans came along and industrialized as seen by
ice core drillings. The sun going through cycles also has an impact on our weather. Our big heads think we
can control weather, but we can't.

What we can control is you throwing your trash out the window and stop throwing your chemicals
and pesticides in our water.