Originally posted on 03/26/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by 2daBank View Post
Can't get over why Thor thinks this such a big deal or why he calls anyone who supports trump so many names?

I don't like trump but what i like even less is how the dems have acted ever since he won. At some point you just accept who won and try to move forward together not continue with this garbage that does nobody any good. They come off like the biggest sore loser babies in history..

So he ****** a porn star, good for him! The only presidents who didn't cheat were the ones who couldn't get it up like bush.
I don’t think it is a big thing and couldn’t give two shits about it or i would have watched it. What i do care about is that he is the biggest liar walking the planet. If you can’t see this than i can’t help you. Nothing about losing an election and everything about creating laws that hurt working people and the environment. The only reason i wrote about it is because Republicans are the biggest fuking hypocrites in the history of mankind. This so called family values party is now okay with their guy tapping whores. It really is pathetic.