Originally posted on 11/05/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post
You like facts?

'In virtually every mass school shooting during the past 15 years, the shooter has been on or in withdrawal from psychiatric drugs'.

Americans have had the right to bear arms from the get go. But the rates of dispensing psychotropic drugs to every third kid or so? Well, that started about 20-25 years ago - and not long after that did the concept of ''school shooter" come into vogue. And so did an opioid epidemic which has a body count that dwarfs mass shootings.

But you think the answer is to punish already law abiding citizens? Really?
At one point, fully automatic guns were available for purchase in a hardware store like buying a bottle of milk at one point and we never had this problem (Al Capone caused their ban, but it wasn't from constantly shooting up a church or school). You could walk into a store like Sears and buy a rifle without a background check until the Gun Control Act in the 60's, and there wasn't this prevalence of mass shootings (Kennedy and MLK is what caused that act to go through). So it's kind of hard to say guns are the cause when we've had access to these guns for almost a century without mass shootings being this prevalent until recently.

Theoretically, by using this logic, I could say that by having more and stricter gun control laws we are now having more mass shootings so let's go back to the pre-Gun Control Act days since this wasn't as much of a problem.

But instead, lets look at when this started becoming prevalent. It wasn't until Columbine when you started seeing these mass shootings at the frequency and deadliness that hasn't been seen before then. So since we've had access to these guns before Columbine (including easier access), but not having the problem we're having now, what's different? First, these psychiatric drugs haven't been as widely used or available as they are now and they're f***ing with people's minds to the point these loonies can't tell fantasy from reality.

You also have this recent (relative to our country's history) invention called the internet which has given us unprecedented access to information. However, it allows for good and bad information to spread. Including to those mentally unstable who can read and obtain information that either solidifies their crazy ideas or thoughts or helps them carry out those thoughts.

Also, what else is different? When did you see a form of entertainment such as a video game where you could do something like this in the 70's?

You didn't, but you can't tell me these games aren't causing soft minds to be desensitized to this kind of crap. Yes, there are people playing these games that can separate fantasy from reality, but you can't tell me there aren't people that are getting mushed from playing these games and getting crazy to the point where one tipping point could cause them to snap and live out these video game fantasies.

All I'm saying is maybe, just maybe, we should start focusing our attention on why people are doing this crazy shit rather than instantly blaming an inanimate object that people have had access (including deadlier weapons) to for years, but hasn't been a major issue except for the last 25 years.