Originally posted on 10/29/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by thechaoz View Post
Why do you support a party that doesn't give a shit about you, let's multi billion dollars bank off the hook from class action lawsuits (beyond comprehension) and hates and tries at all costs to stop the thing you love to do (gamble) and kills so much profit to be had from it's legalization.
The Dems give as much of a f*** about you as the Republicans do. People love to smoke marijuana too and Obama had every chance to have it removed as a schedule 1 drug, but never got it done during his tenure when he had a Dem majority in congress. They over regulate everything to death and probably wouldn't stop until they reached a point where you can't even take a p*** without filing paperwork and paying a fee because they claim it'll help fight global warming; and they won't stop until they are involved in every aspect of your life. They only see you as a cash register where they ring the bell and take money because they have the financial discipline of a high school girl with daddy's credit card.

Stop with this "one party is more virtuous than the other" nonsense. Neither party gives a f*** about you except wanting your vote or money. It's just that their ideas on getting your vote and money differ.