Originally posted on 10/26/2017:

so you have a wheelbarrow of manure on the right side and you have brooks on the left side. Any similarities you can think of. Well the first obvious one is both sides stink to high heaven. But, that is the purpose of manure, it stinks. Now brooks like manure also stinks probably both figuratively and literally.

But something else comes to mind and that is it makes more sense to debate with a wheelbarrow full of shit than to waste time with brooks. Yeah you will get a more intelligent response from the shit than from brooks. Right now some of you are thinking. Well dante come on now, we all know brooks is the dumbest on the forum, yes we know that. We also know he has a ton of trouble when it comes to truth telling. And he has never seen a grammar or spelling error he hasn't loved. But dante, we don't know if he is as dumb as a wheelbarrow of shit.

Well good points, but let me elaborate. Answer these questions. Will the wheelbarrow of shit ever tell a lie? I don't think that will happen even if you debate for years. Will the wheelbarrow fck up facts on a daily basis? Again, I doubt the wheelbarrow will ever fck up even one fact. Will the pile of shit (now I am writing about the wheelbarrow) mutilate the English language until it is barely understandable? Again, I don't believe that will happen.

I respectfully rest my case.