Originally posted on 07/12/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
right, in all your years you had one correct prediction, and when you attempt to debate with me it is so obvious that you are the educated individual, you are the guy with advanced degrees and I am the one without a GED. That is obvious to even the casual observer. Yeah, I was the guy that was critical of an economist but didn't know the meaning of the word, that was me correct. I was the guy that claimed I read an article but was unable to discuss it, that was me too. I am the guy that refuses to engage with you on every subject, that is me not you.

dwightie, your lies know no boundary. you lie about everything, all the time and I and others expose you all the time. but, it means nothing to you. you will ignore it and proceed to your next lie.

finally a truthful 7 words by you. Hopefully we don't have to wait years for another. Didn't read the rest. I am sure its the same nonsense you've posted a thousand times.