Originally posted on 04/23/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
The reason Trump isn't going is because he's a thin skinned clown that can't take a joke.
He took enough jokes when he went in 2011. If you recall, Democrats held all the cards back then and Seth Meyers, ever the loyal lackey, basically took his turn on the podium to unload on The Donald while Obama kicked his heels back and laughed.

Then on November 9th, 2016 Seth Meyers talked about his mom and cried on national TV because that big joke of his won the Presidency.

Then in 2017 Trump appointed Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, turned the tables on North Korea and showed backbone in the Mid-East while his black Secretary of Housing uncovered $500 billion in previously undetected departmental "waste" that Obama's people just didn't notice. Ahem.

Also in 2017 Democrats have not changed their approach, resisting for the sake of resistance, and adopting as the message messages that have proven to fail against Trump's popularity: Russian innuendo, tax returns, and accusations of ray-cist!

The GOP wasted years trying to disparage Bill Clinton out of politics instead of crafting their own message. Trump's message is iron-clad and it resonates - and all the Democrats have come up with is ... Antifa?

Trump is a beast, not a joke. The sooner his opposition realizes and accepts that, the sooner they might have a chance to counter him. Until then we're looking at 8 years of progressives huddling around Colbert telecasts for comfort and false hope.