Originally posted on 03/02/2017:

It really is sad to see one political party just praying and hoping for once they can finally be proud of a guy after the mess each and every one of their picks cause for decades. From Nixon keeping a war going to win an election, to Reagan selling arms to our enemies, to BUsh and Cheney lying us into war and of course outing one of our very own CIA agents, to hopefully this train-wreck who is now letting the coal industry back into our lakes and streams as well as giving Wall Street the freedom to once again put us into a recession all under the guise of helping the little guy. Lets not forget fellas this man u bow to, slammed Hillary and Cruz for being Goldman Sach slaves, and now has two of them holding really big economic positions which most likely will ruin us again. I know u never heard any of this on Fox or nitwit neo-con radio but those are facts and not the alternative facts u dochebags swear by. Just imagine if a Democratic president did any of that stuff i listed. When u support that kind of slop u show u are a true scumbag and nothing else.