Originally posted on 02/16/2017:

This is just part of black culture now. Similar to how Native Americans are raised. Blame whites for everything.

What all of these people don't understand is whites don't give a shit about black, brown, yellow or white. We could care less about any race.

Was slavery a thing? Yup. Was segregation a thing? Yup. Did the white man steal the Indian lands? Yup. But they all happened generations ago so get over it. No one alive today was an American slave, no one alive today was an American slave owner. No one alive today was a Native American from when the Mayflower landed.

Talking like you know anything about how things were back then is not only stupid but also disrespectful because you have no clue. Guess what, I have Ukrainian in my blood and Stalin killed 20 million of my ancestors in the Soviet Union. Do I care? Yes, but do I talk about it like it happened today? Hell no.

This will only stop if black people realize the color of their skin does not translate into ownership of another generations' struggle. Move on and live for today. Get a real life.