Originally posted on 12/06/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
Trump says he doesn't want Boeing to make too much money; stock immediately falls.

Oh, he sold his Boeing stock in June after saying how much he loved it in 2013. Pretty soon he can buy it back.

Ho-hum. The new normal.

He sold all conflict of interest investments over the summer. Thought you of all people would find that noteworthy. He plans to continue the Dakota pipeline and had stock in that company, Boeing and others apparently too. He's actually missing out on profits for the betterment of his nation and doing what's best not what's more profitable but you guys can't be satisfied can you?

If he didn't sell you'd knock him for helping companies that he holds but he sold them to not have a dog in the fight and you're assuming the worst again. Sad man, really sad.