Originally posted on 11/09/2016:

I really enjoyed reading this thread. The Liberals in here are so fu*king stupid that they are a comedy. D2, the stock market shot way up today, so cash out and get your fu*king ass out of this country. You are noting more than a worthless piece of caca. El Nino, how many times are you going to change your mind? You lost your arse and then decided to jump ship after it was obvious what the results would be.

Nocoincidences and Paco. You guys hate whites, but are so afraid that you will now get your worthless arses kicked that you have to claim that you could care less. Both of you are nothing more than a bunch of chicken sh*ts.

The rest of you were following the odds like a baby follows it's mommy when it is hungry. None of you had a clue. I thought that Hillary would win with a big turnout and I know very early on that I was wrong. Unfortunately I had a lot more important things to do than to read this, though I must admit that there is some real good caca in here. Good job to most of you.