Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26293052'>posted</a> on 09/23/2016:

Makes no sense
Protesting for justice gets called out makes no sense
also this idea that Obama cares about black causes makes no sense
The democratic administration is encouraging pigs too attack people
These republicans just make up their own reality, how in the world
do they think Obama cares about black people or any americans is nonsense

Thug is just a way to say the n word,
the thugs are the pigs w guns that are killing and terrorizing communities

These republicans think BLM is like a group of people
its called a slogan
This Clevenger guy sounds extremely uneducated
He thinks Obama is black therefore obama is behind the protests
This is how these dumb republicans think in black and white

ANd the stupid don't worry about pigs killing people because
Soros wants you to protest.
SO no one should say anything when people are killed
because that's what the govt wants
so just look the other way
These racists make up all kinds of excuses for their racism

You idiots are just racists trying to push false narratives
These pigs are out terrorizing people, they are just race gangsters
All this law ad order jazz is just a pretense to attack people
You can all go to hell