Originally posted on 06/25/2016:

funny thing is if a repub would of been given the scrutiny of hillary they would be rotting away.
2million emails rove erased under bush that were on the rep nat com server. including some about 911
biggest import/exporter from china-marvin bush took over for his uncle. Yes old man bush brother owned it and now w brother is running it
Zapata oil -started by cia under old man bush w ran it into the ground enron style. everyone went to jail except w
jeb bush laundered money for drug cartels
Clinton was tried for getting bj by newt who was having affairs,henry hyde who was having an affair with a married woman,bob livingston who had to resign over his affair, dennis hastert a pedophile.

I could care less about hillary but when the right gives you mccain, romney and trump........ well I wonder how these democrats keep getting elected. Hell the repubs are trying to unseat trump which should be illegal as hell because these rich assholes are saying that the little man's vote don't count. If they do that I hope trumps boys tears the house down.
just one fat tex mexs opinion