Originally posted on 05/26/2016:

Was he really on Toronto? OMG, I can't believe I missed that - damn!

Haha, this guy is atrocious, I love it

Where's that idiot jtoler, probably claims he gives Stevens a few picks here and there

I wonder what a conversation with Stevens would be like after getting smoked in BOTH NBA games

"Steve, I heard you were the best, what happened?"

"Umm, [chain smoking] I've got inside on the next game, you're a big money guy right, don't worry about it"

"But Dar-, I mean, Steve, I just lost $10k on each of those games, how we gonna get it back?"

"Triple down, I'm NOT going to lose 3 in a row ..."

This is why he would even outdo Lang as bad picker and WORST money manager

Keep'em coming, lilpete!