Originally posted on 11/14/2015:

This guy preaches the truth... BUT I'm a big believer that we are a product of our environment. I don't care what color you are, you will become what you be around. If you are around shit, you will become shit. There are a lot of things you can point to in the black community, most noted, the destruction of the black family for the reason for so many issues in that community. The war on drugs decimated black men, where many were confined for things that they should have had medical help. Thousands of black men got off the payrolls and ended up incarcerated. So you put these guys in jails, where they become products of that environment. They learn more dirt in prison then anywhere else. Then because they have a record, they can never find a real job. You've created a double whammy. The war on drugs not only hurt the black community but their problems have now impacted everyone.

Put a baby in the perfect environment, no matter what color the baby and it will grow to the expectations of it's parents/environment. There are many white couples that have adopted black babies. Do your research and see where those kids have gone. Give those kids opportunity and they will take advantage of it just like anyone else. There was a couple once that adopted 4 kids and had 2 kids of their own. 2 kids were black, 1 was Asian and another Hispanic. The couple were both PhD scientist. Guess what, EVERYONE of those kids became engineers/scientist. EVERYONE of them were good in math and science. They all liked music and they all wore glasses. Incredible. They all even looked alike. Uncanny. Science has shown that people take on physical features of people they're around most.

It's all about environment and many of today's youth, black, white, yellow, whatever are in some real shitty environments. In Florida over 60% of white boys are dropping out of HS. That is going to have a huge impact on us years from now. We have to find a way to reach one, teach one and build a better way for them. If not, these same kids are going to be knocking on our doors or shooting at our doors.

Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post