Originally posted on 09/11/2015:

Kraken, please answer one question for me, and please answer this honestly...

Using the shooting that took place in which the media presented as a murder, then suicide as an example,

When the media tells you something, as they did with the shooting in Virginia, is a person considered a conspiracy Theorist due to the fact that he questions the story presented by them?

Do you not see how much power they have by simply presenting a story, real or fake?

Do you not see that people who do not take their words as fact are considered nuts or crazy? Thats a lot of power and that power is consistently used against us. People who question authority are not nuts or conspiracy theorists, they are people who know what the powers that be are capable of. The media is explicit in producing these false themes which create race wars, reasons for adopting new laws and are responsible for us disagreeing on most issues.