Originally posted on 09/04/2015:

I'm a retired FA and I can tell you the best way to track everything is to get a receipt for everything you buy, yes everything! Do that for 1 month so you know where every single dollar goes then create a budget off of that. Don't focus on keeping up with the Jones', focus on living below your means and saving money. After you have that broken down you should start saving money every month via my 3 fundamental accounts whether you can save $100 a month or $1,000 a month break it down this way.
1 Emergency account 25% (For emergencies, like a savings account)
2 Short term account 25% (For short term purchases, buy you next car cash and get it used 1-3 years old)
3 Retirement account 50% (For retirement)

Live by this and you will be fine and slowly build wealth. Don't over spend or splurge and freeze your kredit kards in a cup of ice in the freezer so if you have to use them you will really think about the purchase before you buy it.

Best of luck