Originally posted on 08/13/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
isn't that what he's supposed to do? Listen to the people? Hello??!!

or would you rather have the same ole president catering to business instead?
The MAJOR thing Donald has done in his life (outside of having a massive head start financially through family) - is exploit government (be it through favorable bankruptcy laws, geo-hiding of assets. Buying connections within government)

It's one thing to listen - but what has he ever done to this point that would indicate that he's now ready to reign in the very people that he's one of.

He speaks in vague terms of someone who is educated in business and nothing else. The idea of using troops to guard oil fields (who actually owns these again? If it's Exxon, then troops are guarding Exxon? if it's us - then we're nationalizing oil?)

Saying things like he'd bomb the oil fields, or build a wall (and get "them to pay for it") rings great with people like you who only want to hear simple answers to complex questions.

A great example is the other thread where Bwest talked about the issue of Israel having the ability to destroy the entire world if they feel threatened. These are complex issues. These can't be solved by throwing money at it or firing someone on a tv show.

Trump actually had a legitimate shot if he didn't expose himself early on as such a lightweight outside of the business realm.

You want someone who might not understand, but surrounds himself with smart people who do? You know what you get? You get GW in the corner coloring while the Cheney Cabal goes to town. Or you get Reagan consulting his astrologer while Caspar Weinberger/Ollie North set up a paramilitary operation acting illegally on our behalf.

Donald made his billions off the very system that ****** over workers here - but he's just the guy to fix it.

Classic politician move. Help drive the car into the lake, then say they have the best man to rescue the car.