Originally posted on 06/16/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by yydouble View Post
These guys are not as cool as DB Cooper in my mind.

DB jumped off a plane with a suitcase full of cash. He was never in jail and DB Cooper isn't even his real name, they still dont know who he was or what he really looked like. plus he never hurt a soul. That guy was pretty cool.

On a side note:
That is one of the worst laws ever written if it is true!
its a real law .... I think shawshanking yourself out of prison and never being caught is pretty damn cool not to mention the rumors of the sexual things that are rumored. very hush hush its what legends are made of.

Then there’s Sholam Weiss, whose run is the stuff of hallucinatory poetry. A plumbing supplier from Brooklyn, he proved brilliant at financial fraud. In 1999, while on trial in Florida on charges he defrauded a large insurance company, he took off for Brazil, where he acquired a girlfriend and once was spotted cavorting with 10 prostitutes, 5 dressed up as parochial-school girls.

Mr. Judge, the F.B.I. agent, became worried that Mr. Weiss was trying to impregnate a Brazilian; the country’s law bars extradition if a fugitive has a child. “We were,” he recalls, “fighting not just extradition but ovulation.”

Alas, this fugitive tale comes wrapped in cautionary cloth. Mr. Weiss was arrested, although not until he fled Brazil for Austria. In his absence, an angry federal judge handed down a tough sentence, as might be discerned by Mr. Weiss’s release date: Nov. 23, 2754.