Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=24096589'>posted</a> on 06/03/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by sourtwist View Post
I'm an American. Are you? These issues affect me, my family, and the future of this country. I didn't mention religion. Nice try.

Do some research, this has nothing to do with God. This has to do with a group of people who manipulate people and try to control how we are supposed to think and live our lives. This will affect you and your family too, wherever your Godless ass may live.

It's ironic how the people who don't believe in God can't seem to find anything else to talk about.
Are you evangelical because you sound like the typical annoying evangelical hypocrite.

World was well fukked well b4 ppl starting changing their bits so get over it.

You want something thats actually important to ponder?

Consider on a evolutional time scale we (ie homo sapiens) have existed for a total of 4 minutes (compared to the best theory that states the world is around 400 million years old) yet we have already destroyed 50% of the global environment.

Im just saying if you want a REAL problem to be concerned over then there it is...