Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=23757477'>posted</a> on 03/20/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by sappyj378 View Post
The issue isnt if the guys at Docs win or lose. The issue is that a known lying/scammer who has been banned from this site and all the rest of the forums who is now being paid by docs is allowed to shill on this site. John U doesnt pay for 1 single pick as he already has ever single pick doc offers. He is making money off this thread just like he did on all his hot capper tracker buy group crap that buried everyone who ever bought in. He used the same records as above to get people to buy in. Most found out that his records were BS just like the ones above. How can you track cappers but miss plays and take away losses? Im not here hating on docs, Im just upset that this guy is allowed to lie and manipulate people on this site and nothing is done. His records are false and hes a known thief. Heck the guy has maxed out his credit at every online book and cant even place a bet on his own. Thats really someone that I would trust.
Lmao another guy with too much time on his hands!! How the hell can you have time to write a novel??? I think you are just bitter because you lost a few games... Go cry to daddy